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MAYA, 25, is embedded within the dreaded WHITE BROTHERHOOD, a terrorist group sworn to make Nigeria ungovernable unless the President and the nation converts to Islam. Her handler has always insisted that she should play along and keep her eyes on the big picture, which is destroying the group from its tap root. This status has seen her organise and execute crimes for and with the Brotherhood many times. At the moment, she is faced with a dilemma. The Brotherhood is at a shock. A little girl, an attendant at a female vanity shop within a major shopping mall in Lagos the Brotherhood intended to level without success saw AMINU their key courier face to face and may be talking to the Secret Service following the discovery of the bomb Aminu was unable to detonate, all because something about the girl prevented him from pressing the detonator. Nobody in the Brotherhood can explain why such a mortal weakness would overcome the boy who had executed countless attacks in the north before. Again no one can explain why MAIGIDA, the leader of the movement, will not order him dead immediately, but instead subject him to untold pains in the enclave for days. None of these worries Maya, nor does the fact that the Brotherhood's next target: the bombing of Lagos biggest Shopping mall housing the biggest movie theatre. What worries her is why she would want to stop the elimination of this little girl at the female vanity shop. Maigida insists she must die before the Secret Service gets to her. If she, Maya, should stop her elimination it would certainly blow her cover and blowing her cover would risk the success of the Big One. This she is not willing to risk. When the girl escapes the first and second attempts on her life, attempts Maigida's operatives keep from her knowledge, she begins to doubt the solidity of her cover and immediately begins to work out ways to make this trusty and zealous-for-the-faith Aminu see the whole picture. Meanwhile the whole of Lagos is in distress over the first ever bomb blast that took down a major commercial street and next the discovery of the bomb in a small female vanity shop at the mega shopping mall. The Presidency is pushing the Secret Service harder than ever forbidding any more bomb dropping in Lagos, Nigeria's most sensitive city. The first bomb blast already resulted in a major mayhem against northerners in the city which the police and governor had to peacefully and tactically quell, another explosion will spell doom. Maya cannot allow this happen on her watch. Security situation has been beefed up in Lagos. Maigida goes berserk when his boys report to him that they cannot find this mystery shop attendant girl. Realising that she would have spoken to the Secret Service about Aminu whose picture must have been sketched already for circulation, he decides to speed up the Big One and marks AMINU down for the Ultimate Sacrifice in the Jihad, because he cannot risk him being caught alive. Alone in the house one afternoon, Aminu chances upon some ipad videos showing the revered leaders of the Brotherhood in a homosexual act, and revealing that the fight of the Brotherhood stems from political dissatisfaction against the President and his party. He is devastated. When Maya steps into his world then, he is ready to kill everyone around for using him in their satanic fight for money and political power in the Name of Allah Blessed forever. She physically overpowers him, and talking sense into his head, by assuring him of the way of true revenge, Maya succeeds in winning him over and with a daring plot that pleases him. Days later Maigida's couriers through the agency of Aminu are picked one after the other just when they are about to blow themselves up at strategic points in the mall. Maigida and his cohorts are all picked up, or killed as they have to put up a major resistance. Maya's handler and her boss all heave a sigh of relief...only for the moment.