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By Shawn Speake

GENRE: Family

A comedy series about neurotic middle-aged actors who live with millennial models.


LOGLINE A - The continuing misadventures of neurotic actors and their equally neurotic model friends who live on DreamHouse Ave in Denver, Colorado.

LOGLINE B - DreamHouse Ave is a true to life comedy series about middle-aged actors Shawn and Pookie as themselves, with millennial models, Mia and Sonja, as themselves, going through everyday life. The quirky situations, eccentric personalities, and offbeat characters who make up the crews social circle and all contribute to the fun.

SYNOPSIS - DreamHouse Ave is a true to life comedy series that follows the events of a group of friends who rent rooms in the same house. Shawn, an actor who questions everything, Pookie, an actor and hard-luck trucker, and Mia and Sonja, goofball models unafraid to speak their minds at all times.

Other sources of comedy appear in the form of Mob Film Makers, Big Boss, and his bodyguards Art and Pammy, along with the very beautiful, confident, and intimidating love interest, Silvia.

Episodes focus on mundane conversations in the everyday life of actors and models who live together on DreamHouse Ave in Denver, Colorado.


SHAWN, 40... Outspoken egomaniac thinks he's twenty. Wants to be Batman, but he'll settle for being an action movie star. The afternoon DJ for a popular radio station in town loves women but avoids relationships as a rule. He loves himself more.

POOKIE, 49... Laid-back big man and Shawn's best friend loves his belly. Survives on dry humor and snacks. His goal is to be the first spokesperson for cheesy poofs. He's in movies and series. A heavy-hitter in the d-league. Coaching Shawn.

MIA, 29... Suddenly divorced elementary school teacher is a foot-model facing being single with maximum reluctance. Financially stable and always ready to give someone a verbal beat down.

SONJA, 20... Mia's sweet and flaky friend from their neighborhood is going to school to be a hair-stylist because her parents are making her. She wants to be an actress. A good soul who loves sports. Parents still pay her bills. Spoiled rotten.


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Shawn Speake

I like that much better! Thanks for checking us out, Pamela Bolinder Happy Holidays :)

Shawn Speake

Thank you. I think it's a strong project. How's everything going with you?

Shawn Speake


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