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By Dennis DeBon

GENRE: Musical, Drama, Family

Torn between his religious beliefs and the thrill of gambling an eccentric inventor, desperate to break out of his dead-end job, invents the world's first personal computer and uses it to take on the blackjack tables in Vegas, jeopardizing his faith and family. Based on a true story.


A family station-wagon motors down a lonely desert highway, the lights of Las Vegas sparkle in the rearview. Inventor and religious family man, KEITH TAFT (30s), slides a pair of “Roy Orbinson” sunglasses from his suit-pocket and puts them on. He swerves into the oncoming lane, turns off the headlights and floors it. The engine revs. The tires sequel. The ominous lights of an eighteen-wheeler shimmer in the distance. MATCH CUT:

Keith, his wife, DOROTHY (30s) and their children MARTY (17), RENEE (16), JODI (14) and DANNY (12) drive past Las Vegas, on their way home to California, when their station wagon over-heats. Dorothy is adamantly opposed to going to “Sin City”, but they have no choice.

The family pushes the over-heated station wagon down the "Strip", to a garage for repair.

While walking the Strip, Keith is given “Lucky Bucks" to use on the games. Heaven forbid, they go into a casino, but the kids are hunger...and have to go!

Once inside, Keith sees everyone winning, including flamboyant card counter BARRY HUSTON (35).

Keith uses his “Lucky Bucks” on the blackjack table...and wins! He's super-excited!

Meanwhile, ROBERT THORN (50s) head of security, sees though Barry's disguise. Dorothy watches as they rough him up. She rounds up her family and makes a bee-line for the nearest exit door.

Once home, Keith envisions himself playing blackjack so he can quit his mundane day job, become a full-time inventor. Dorothy thinks he's crazy.

After speaking with PASTOR THOMAS (20S) and being assured that gambling is not a sin, he becomes intent on learning how to count cards. After practicing...he's miserable at it.

Keith's work buddy, HUGHIE (30s) shows Keith his new calculator. Keith uses those parts and his ingenuity to build the world's first personal computer. He calls it “David”. He wins twelve times in a row and sees himself as God's gambler. He wants to use their children's college funds to bet bigger stakes. The family votes yes.

The plan works well until Thorn switches dealers. They send in WILLY (60s), a card mechanic. Keith loses everything. Distraught, he almost ends it , head-on with a semi. He gives up blackjack.

After a news article comes out about “David”, Barry Huston contacts Keith about teaming up.

Barry assembles a team of professional gamblers. When the team goes into action, they refuse to follow instructions from a “machine”. Keith comes up with a new plan, he and his family will use the computers.

After several close shaves, Keith's luck runs out when spotted by security. Both Barry and Keith are back-roomed . Security finds the computer on Keith but don't know what it is. Neither does the F.B.I. All charges were dropped. After Dorothy changes her view about Keith, ( with a twist on the David vs. Goliath tale) he is given free rein to extract revenge on the casinos.


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