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By TG Minh Thanh

GENRE: Fantasy
LOGLINE: Gods battle for the hand of a beautiful princess in mythical ancient Vietnam.


Son Tinh, the god of land, and Thuy Tinh, the god of water, are locked in eternal conflict — andit's the people who suffer and die. Even the magical animals flee, far beyond the borders of theworld. Dragon King and Old Fairy meet in her magical palace in the heavens to discuss thematter — what is to be done? They hit upon the solution: perhaps love will heal this problem...To their descendant the King Hung Vuong XVIII and his Queen, a child is born — lovely MyNuong, the Princess. But also a foundling is discovered. The Queen names her Nang Lua and shewill be My Nuong's constant companion. The girls grow up rambunctious and lovely — on onemischievous foray out of the palace, Princess meets Son Tinh in his mountain home. He's smittenby the girl. As is Thuy Tinh, whose storm is what drove the girls to shelter in Son Tinh's cave.Princess's 17th birthday approaches, and with it the need to choose a Prince-Consort for her to marry. She resists, intent on ruling on her own, but the King insists tradition must be respected.Moved by a mystic impulse, Nang Lua suggests a challenge. Whoever finds and retrieves threemagical animals — a nine-tusked elephant, a nine-spurred cock, and a nine-maned horse — willwin the Princess's hand. Pleased at the impossible contest, the Princess agrees, and moved by hisown mystic impulse, the King accepts — but will choose a mate if none wins this challenge.Hearing the news, Son Tinh and Thuy Tinh set off in search of their animals. Back home, a RichMerchant wants the Princess — and the power — all for himself. The gods endure many trialsand have many adventures, but each manages to win the three animals, and within the threemonth time frame! They head back just as the Princess is being wed to the hated Rich Merchant— she's discovered his plans for dominion, but the King leaves her no choice...she must be wed!Her wedding is interrupted by the appearance of the gods and their magical animals. Son Tinh gets there first, only by blocking Thuy Tinh who would have got there first. The gods rage inbattle, and Princess stops it by telling them to fight on a desolate plain outside the city. Rich Merchant complains, and is banished through a crack in the earth for his insolence. But the mercenary commander waiting at the frontier with his force wants satisfaction and the spoils of war anyway, and will wait for this godly contest to distract the people before invading.The battle begins. But the gods are too evenly matched and too tempestuous to obey the rules.Chaos threatens the crowd, including the Princess — and the mercenaries invade and ravage the land. Finally, Princess calls a halt, just as she's about to be eaten by a monster conjured by ThuyTinh — orders the gods to cooperate, cleanse the land of the danger, and she will choose.It is done. The Princess chooses Son Tinh, the one she always loved. Sad Thuy Tinh finds that Nang Lua is in love with him...wisely he accepts her as his bride. Dragon King and Old Fairy visit secretly and fix things, and inspire the King to change his tune — he soon decrees that Princess can rule on her own. The gods, settled down in their happy homes, still pursue theirdangerous business, but now in cooperation with all mankind, the source of their power. And allis well again in Van Lang land.[CONTACT]pvn_co@yahoo.comtgminhthanh@gmail.comAll rights reserved

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