Post your loglines. Get and give feedback.

By Kristal Fleming

GENRE: Sports, Romance

Waking up the wife of her best friend, client, and her brother's enemy, they must regain their memories and decide whether what they have is worth fighting for. Anna's and Adam's actions will change the lives of their friends forever.


A romantic comedy set in the world of wrestling, Anna wakes up hungover, and a married woman. As an agent for Pro wrestlers, Anna lives in a tough man’s world. For years she has been fighting off wrestlers after her heart. After too much booze celebrating a win for her top card clients, she is left piecing her night together.

Brother Drake is on the warpath and her friends are torn over her choices. She has no idea the mayhem that she has started or how it’s going to snowball. Anna just knows that she has to figure out if she loves Adam or not. Adam isn’t going down without a fight as he pulls all the stops out to prove to her that he isn’t just some party boy looking to steal the ultimate prize. Through twists and turns, the pair figure out that they do love each other. Anna chooses Adam and the ripples of their marriage tears through their family and friends.

Nate Rymer

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Tasha Lewis

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Kristal Fleming

@Tasha Lewis, what was it that you liked about "Waking Up His Wife"?

@Nate Rymer, what was it that made you put three stars?

Hugh Potter

Kristal, unique concept; I like the twist from a female perspective. Stay creative. Hugh

Jon Navarro

Rated this logline

Jon Navarro

Hi Kristal,

I hope this finds you well. I'm going to offer some critical feedback, which I hope helps you move this story forward. First, the log line is a bit muddy at the moment and it is unclear what the movie actually is. In the genre you wrote (sports/romance), then in the synopsis it says romantic comedy. But for me the log line reads as a fantasy Drama. So that's the first challenge you need to tackle. Also, the log line is very plot heavy without a clear direction. I'm guessing that Anna and Adam are your main protagonist, but the way you have them set up in the log line makes that a bit confusing. Lastly, your synopsis of the film ends with Anna and Adams choice tears through their family and friends...How? Based on everything I read I would first ask - what are your comps? If you're not sure, I've offered 3 below that I think fit the genre and world your story is trying to live in.

The Hangover:

Three buddies wake up from a bachelor party in Las Vegas, with no memory of the previous night and the bachelor missing. They make their way around the city in order to find their friend before he misses his wedding.

– In that log line we understand the conflict, the setting, a general idea of the journey, and what's at stake.

Here Comes The Boom:

A high-school biology teacher looks to become a successful mixed martial arts fighter in an effort to raise money to prevent extracurricular activities from being axed at his cash-strapped school.

– In this log line you get everything I mentioned in the previous one, with the addition of the comedic irony of a high school biology teacher trying to pivot into the world of mixed martial arts. This log line in my opinion is the best of the 3 examples I'm giving you here.

Fighting With My Family:

A former wrestler and his family make a living performing at small venues around the country while his kids dream of joining World Wrestling Entertainment.

– This log line is the worst! However, it lives in the world your story takes place in which is wrestling. And it communicates something your log line doesn't, which is the journey and a clear goal for the protagonist.

A better comp probably would've been 'Against The Ropes' although the log line for this film is trash as well, here it is:

– A fictional story inspired by North America's most famous female boxing promoter, Jackie Kallen. Her struggle to survive and succeed in a male dominated sport.

So if you have very clear comps in your head about what you want this story to be, with your own unique point of view. Look at the log lines for those comps and see what can be extracted from them to make yours better.

In that last comp I gave, 'Against The Ropes' It's more than some film based on a true story. It's a film about redemption and perception. Both of those themes play heavily in the film. If I were to re-write that log line it would sound something like this...

– Against The Ropes:

After boxing enthusiast Jackie Kallen stumbles across a hard hitting underdog named Luther, she risks it all to help turn Luther into a title contender and prove they both have what it takes to win.

Is it perfect...maybe not, but it's definitely better than what's up now. Point is, once you get your theme, goal, and stakes clear in your story – you should have a much better log line...

Something that just came to me is maybe you can play with the idea of "A Perfect Match". She's a promoter, he's a wrestler, so "match" becomes a double entendre and something you can play with thematically throughout your story. i.e. Stephanie McMahon falling for and marrying Triple H. Maybe that's your inspiration...who knows, LOL. Anyway, good luck. Hope this helps!

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