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By Rob Tobin

GENRE: Action, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Sci-fi
LOGLINE: A teen wizard from a sword and sorcery world is chased by an evil sorcerer into modern day Montana where he has to deal with teenage girls, rap music, skinny dipping, love, sex and saving two worlds during summer vacation.


MELINDA is shallow but good-hearted, 18 year old teenage girl in Montana who likes her friends, clothes and boys. One day she nearly runs over JO-BRI, a 6’4” stunningly handsome young man wearing torn and tattered robes that look like they could have come from a “Lord of the Rings” movie. Jo-Bri is a teen wizard from an alien world, chased through a portal to Montana by HODON, an evil wizard. Jo-Bri is confused, and Melinda is smitten, even after Jo-Bri makes her ancient little Datsun disappear. She drags him home to Mom and Dad. Mom and Dad are skeptical of Jo-Bri’s magical abilities until he makes the toaster explode and Mom levitate. Using his magic it’s not long before Jo-Bri can communicate enough to let Melinda and her parents know that Hodon will eventually rebuild the portal and come for him. Worse, Hodon wants to destroy the human race because Earth’s growing evil is seeping into Hodon and Jo-Bri’s world and destroying it. Jo-Bri begins training Melinda, her parents and friends in magic, creating a ragtag army to face Hodon when the Dark Wizard does arrives. In the process, Jo-Bri falls in love with Melinda, teaches them all about magic, love, sex, and God. “Love is the recognition of God in yourself and others,” he says, and “You can’t deny the God in others without denying the God in yourself, because there is only one God.” Mixed in with the wisdom and wizardry is group sex, enlightenment, skinny-dipping, and battles to the death. Hodon finally breaks through. Jo-Bri and his students battle Hodon and his wizards to a standstill, forcing Jo-Bri to sacrifice himself, taking Hodon and himself back to their alien world and sealing the portal behind them to prevent the Dark Wizard from ever threatening Earth again. A heartbroken Melinda, with the help of her friends and parents, promises to bring Jo-Bri back, and to help save Earth from its own evil.

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