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An enigmatic American Indian warrior from an apocalyptic future returns to present day America to find and inspire the one child who will save the earth from a powerful oil company that targets him as a terrorist.
In the desolate and bleak future, a ghostly American Indian girl weeps. A circle of holy people summons a spirit in the form of a crow – and charges him with a mission of redemption. The crow flies through the cosmos and back in time to a sacred mountain where he morphs into a young American Indian warrior, Imahn’u.
Imahn’u arrives in the middle of a tense standoff between activists and police who guard a convoy of drilling equipment belonging to oil giant, Zoic +. An explosion ignites chaos and violence. Imahn’u saves a child from an errant police baton and vanishes - leaving behind a black feather. Zoic+ CEO Tex Simons and his Security Director frame Imahn’u for murder and brand him as a terrorist and place a bounty on his head.
News of the “Black Feather” spreads quickly and Imahn’u inspires a burgeoning environmental movement as he travels over a dying earth – feeling her pain and degradation with each step. He is haunted by images of a weeping American Indian girl. Who is she? Where is she? The stars lead him to the Crow Fair and a wild horse whose owner, Tommie Nayukpuk, a cattle baron, hires him to teach his troubled daughter Maki how to ride. Imahn’u arrives on the ranch the day Maki attempts suicide.
Imahn’u journeys home to the Knife River Valley – the land of his past. He builds a cairn on a small mound and prays. Over time, Imahn’u and his horse draw Maki out of her darkness. The bond between Maki and Imahn’u is set at the Knife River Valley where Zoic + has built a fence around the area and desecrated the cairn. Imahn’u flies into a rage then falls to his knees. Maki, who has followed him, experiences the profound significance of the land and its connection to Imahn’u’s life and death. Zoic+’s Security Director and reinforcements arrive. Imahn’u is attacked by a pack of cops who beat him into submission and drag him away. Maki appears with her phone camera videotaping. The Security Director mistakes it for a weapon and kicks it out of Maki’s hand, fracturing her wrist. Maki weeps - the spirit of the American Indian girl materializes and comforts her.
Maki makes a deal with Tex. Tex picks up Imahn’u from the jail and Imahn’u takes Tex on a life-changing virtual reality tour of the past, present and future that shakes him to the core. Tex calls for a suspension of the planned operations at the Knife River Valley, where Tommie helped Zoic+ secure drilling rights. The board of directors holds an emergency vote. A huge excavator stands at the ready at the site.
Imahn’u leads a funeral procession down the hill to a burial site. Riot police surround the periphery and stand face to face with the mourners. People chant and cops beat their shields. The engine starts up. The mechanical T-Rex raises its large-toothed digging bucket over the burial mound. As lightning flashes, Maki slips through an opening in the fence and dives on top of the mound. Lightning strikes the bucket; it slips and dangles. People scream. The bucket falls. Imahn’u leaps in and pulls Maki out just as the bucket slams hard and deep into the mound. Imahn’u helps her to her feet - gunshot - Imahn’u steps in front of Maki and takes the bullet. Lightning strikes - Maki cradles Imahn'u. Rain falls like tears.
Tex places his ID badge on his desk and walks out of his empty office.
Maki - surrounded by children - stands in front a large bronze feather in a park in the Knife River Valley. Hundreds of people form a human kaleidoscope. They dance and sing. Maki raises her hands as a rainbow-colored wing flashes across the sky.
Back to the future - the American Indian girl wipes her tears and walks toward the circle of holy people. With each step she takes, new life springs forth. She takes a seat to complete the circle in a verdant world.
Robert Mark O’Brien WGA - 1710867
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