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By Matthew H Emma

GENRE: Action

A reluctant Princess must use her training as an elite soldier to prevent a crime syndicate from executing a major drug deal.


"A Worthy Ascension" delivers the pulse pounding excitement reminiscent of "Die Hard" and any episode of the hit television show "24." The story is about Sophia, a former Captain in the Cypriot Special Forces and, now that the Greek Parliament has reinstituted the monarchy, the newly enthroned Crown Princess of Greece. Sophia's initial reluctance to accept her lineage changes drastically during a trip to Los Angeles after her uncle (King Stavros) is murdered. Sophia soon discovers the perpetrators are Chervonny Dyyavol (Red Devil), a dangerous crime syndicate led by an evil man named Ravachenko. Using her wits and training, Sophia saves a bunch of lives and learns the assassination of The King was part of a greater plot designed to help Ravachenko and his cronies pull off a mega drug deal on Greek soil. After this important discovery, Sophia is left with one week to formulate a plan to thwart the crime, preserve the honor of her homeland and win the respect of her people. That is, assuming she lives that long.

I am confident the non-stop battles and rising tensions the characters partake in from beginning to end will engage action movie fans of all ages. However, I also believe a female protagonist offers a unique spin on the prototypical "tough guy" image often portrayed in this genre of films. Sophia, despite her heritage, is a take charge, willful, strong soldier who is neither afraid to scrap with nor order men around. This type of character should appeal to moviegoers of whom action flicks are not among the first films they would pay money to see. Most men will love a lady that is comfortable handling a assault rifle. Women will enjoy seeing one of their own ruling in a seemingly male-dominated world.

Ellison Wright Baldwin

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Timothy Christopher Teemal

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Timothy Christopher Teemal

My fave this far Matthew. Die hard meets The Princess Diaries.

Timothy Christopher Teemal


Matthew H Emma

Thanks Tim. I appreciate your insight on all the loglines.


Timothy Christopher Teemal

Most welcome

Annerley Saayers

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Matthew H Emma

Thanks so much Annerley.

Nathaniel Baker

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Jim Catizone

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