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Lauren and her friends are on top of the world they finally made it to the day of graduation. An unimaginable enormous sound rocked her community. She ran out the front door to see what was happening an right in front of her the ground caved in. The ground started to shake. The shaking was so violent it split the Mississippi River in two, creating gaping holes in the roadways, geographically changing the landscape. Death and destruction reported all around the world. Telephones, cell phones no service. All communication with anyone other than the people she ended up with. Many people fled to the caves in Arizona, anywhere they can find shelter until the government makes a statement. Stanley and Whinney were on the way to Lauren’s house to take her to the airport when the earthquake hit. They still have a working lab top and cell phones. 911 has a continuous busy signal, the news casters left their desk while they were on air. The air traffic controllers aren't responding airplanes landed in many countries wherever they could land. The people with boats have pulled up their anchors and set out to sea. Seven of the world's most notorious killers are raised from the dead to live again in hell until the day when hell freezes over which happens to be today.