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By Mark J. Rose

GENRE: Sci-fi

In the year 2110, a defiant high school senior, denied access to the mind-altering cocktail of drugs and code that has replaced traditional higher education, throws his lot in with a revolution to challenge the status quo.


Act One

Tim Nell (19) is surprised when he’s rejected for Matriculation, a process of drugs and rapid learning that has replaced higher education in the United States. Rejection means he’s relegated to a lower tier of society. His girlfriend, Lauren (18), does attend the Matriculation Academy. When she returns from her first break, she acts like she no longer loves Tim. He has some success breaking through her conditioning.

Act Two

US agents order Tim to stay away from Lauren. They arrest Tim after learning he submitted a fraudulent Matriculation Academy application. Tim sits in his prison cell, perplexed since he had nothing to do with the fraudulent application. Unknown men come at night and break him out of jail.

Act Three

The man responsible for Tim’s rescue is secretly his father, Scott Nell (50). They plan to enter the Matriculation Academy and administer an antidote to Lauren. When Tim confronts Lauren with the cure, she turns him in to the police. Tim learns that the man is his father and that he has an ulterior motive for being at the Academy. The movie ends with Lauren contemplating the injection of the antidote and Tim starting his career as a rebel fighting against Matriculation and a dystopian society.

Tasha Lewis

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