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By B.J. Grogan

GENRE: Action, Comedy

An ex-cop turned ride share driver and his fare,  a fun loving high class prostitute join forces to outwit and survive between two rival gangs.  If they can survive this, they might just figure out their lives too.


Just after 9pm on a Saturday night, ride share driver MICKEY CRAIG is driving a YOUNG MAN. As he talks to the rider, Mickey senses that the young man is going to be sick. He quickly pulls the car to the side of the road and attempts to get the young man out of the car. He is too late, the young man vomits onto the backseat of Mickey’s car.

Mickey violently pulls the young man from the car, shakes him, pulls back his fist. Before he actually punches the young man, he gains control of his temper and releases him. As he gets back into the car, the young man asks if the ride is over. The car pulls away leaving him standing there confused.

Mickey pulls into the parking lot of a market. He gets out of the car, goes into the market. On the street, a black SUV goes by followed by a truck.

Inside the SUV is BOJAN JANIC, with his DRIVER and BODYGUARD. Janic speaks to the truck driver on his cellphone. They are hatching a plan of attack. Janic ends that call, and begins another. Someone named Albert is on the other end. Janic tells him that he is on his way to the meeting.

Just before 10pm across town LACEY MULLEN arrives at RODGER TAFT’S hotel room. When Rodger opens the door he is pleased that Lacey is beautiful and sexy. He invites her into the room.

It is a large expensive suite. Lacey declines a drink and insists that they get down to business. After some haggling Rodger gives Lacey $1000.00. Lacey takes off her dress, begins to have sex with Rodger.

In the market parking lot, Mickey is cleaning the backseat of his car when a police patrol car arrives and two police offers , PETE MYERS and TONY DELINO get out. They approach Mickey who is swearing violently as he cleans. Myers asks Mickey to get out of the car.

When Mickey gets out, Delino recognizes Mickey from his days as a police officer. From their conversation we learn that Mickey was fired from the police force and is estranged from his wife. Delino tells Mickey that many of the officers think that Mickey got a raw deal and that he still has friends on the force.

When they get back in their patrol car, Myers comments on “Crazy Craig” that he doesn’t seem too tough. Delino lets him know that Mickey is not a guy you want to get angry.

Outside of a warehouse, Janic arrives. He meets up with ALBERT YUNG, a young angry Korean man who wants to buy automatic weapons from Janic. After showing Janic the money, Janic displays one of the weapons to Albert.

He then calls the truck and it enters the warehouse. Behind the truck Janic’s men sneak inside. In the back of the truck are several cases. Albert climbs into the truck to inspect the cases, but they are empty.

Janic shoots Albert and his men kill the rest of Albert’s men. The money man, YONG-GI JUNG is hit by a bullet, but is not dead. He drags himself off undetected.

Back in Rodger’s hotel room, Lacey proves to be a true sexual professional. The sex is romantic, erotic. Rodger is throughly enjoying the sex with her. When they are done, Lacey climbs off of Rodger and goes to take a shower.

Rodger follows her and asks her to stay and they can get dinner. Lacey is willing for an additional five thousand dollars. When Rodger balks at that, Lacey explains that for her this is a business trip and all services must be paid for.

At a Korean BBQ restaurant, MAI-YA YUNG performs the duties of the owner and host. Her cellphone rings. It is Yong-gi. He tells her about the ambush and that her brother Albert is dead. It is then that Yong-gi is discovered by Janic’s man DARKO. Darko shoots Yong-gi. Mai-ya listens in horror.

Janic returns to his house, a secluded mansion in the hills. He is on the phone with an escort service. He wants to book the rest of the night with Lacey.

Lacey leaves Rodger stewing and sulking. On the way to the elevator, Lacey receives a call. Bojan Janic wants to hire her. She checks her watch and accepts the date.

In Mickey’s car, the app on his phone offers him a fare. Mickey accepts the ride.

When he arrives at a hotel, Lacey is there. She gets into the car but immediately is overwhelmed by the smell of the vomit. She complains to Mickey who doesn’t think it’s too bad. Lacey can’t stand it and gets out of the car.

Mai-ya meets with HYUN KI HUNG, her grandfather and leader of the Korean crime organization. She tells him of Albert’s murder and asks for permission to get revenge against the Serbians. Hyun Ki gives her his blessing and she goes to collect a group of men. They set off in a car followed by a van full of men.

Lacey arrives at Janic’s house and is lead inside. Janic hears from Darko that the Koreans are on to his ambush. In the meantime he wants to have his fun with Lacey. He takes her upstairs while Darko alerts the rest of the men to prepare for a battle.

Intercut shots of Lacey and Janic having sex while Man-day and her men drive across the city. Now the sex is frantic, rough. Janic turns Lacey over, takes her from behind. The Koreans turn up towards the house.

Lacey showers. The water shows traces of blood. Janic joins her.

If ’s after 1:30 at the warehouse, DETECTIVE JOHN FELIX arrives at the scene of the ambushed Koreans. Tony Delino and Pete Myers are there to meet him. The go over the details of the crime scene. Delino tells Felix about seeing Mickey. Felix is Mickey’s old partner. Felix is saddened to hear that Mickey has fallen on hard times.

The car and van with the Koreans arrives outside of Janic’s house. Man-Ya scampers over the wall, quickly killing two of Janic’s men. Man-Ya then opens the gate to the compound.

As Lacey finishes up in the bathroom, Janic takes $1000 out of the case to pay her. In the bathroom mirror, Lacey sees all the money in the case. She asks Janic to call her a ride home. Janic does.

Mickey is dropping off a rider when he is offered another ride. He takes the ride, thinking it will be his last one of the night.

Lacey comes out of the bathroom, as Janic completes the ride share call. Then all hell breaks loose as the Koreans attack. Darko appears as there is gunfire and shout from below. Grabbing automatic weapons, Janic and Darko prepare to fight. They go off leaving Lacey.

Lacey watches the fight from the bedroom window. She sees Janic in a flack jacket get shot. Thinking that he is hurt, Lacey grabs the case full of money and looks to escape with it.


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