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By William Nona

GENRE: Action, Adventure

A cyber-cop races to stop a cyber attack that controls the minds of Internet users but not their computers.


Beautiful Internet Police Commission (InterPoc) cyber-cop COLLEEN “CUCHU” LAIN is brought-in to investigate TainBo, an international high-tech corporation behind an attack on two of her fellow agents. Cuchu and her team quickly learn of the existence of OSMOSIS, a self-replicating software program that can instill a hypnotic state in anyone connected to the Internet. eRULLA, the shadowy, but sexy CEO of TainBo, has tested Osmosis changing the outcome of elections. Her global expansion includes DOUGLAS O’TOOLE, the wealthy entrepreneur who controls the program. She seduces him into believing that Osmosis is for humanitarian purposes. Cuchu meets O’Toole at a high society function; there is an immediate spark between them. A romantic encounter ... she is surprised when she does undercover work on TainBo, and discovers that O’Toole is a Director. Cuchu uses her connection with him to dig up information. However, eRrulla is not sitting still… she sends HIT MEN after Cuchu and sinks her sailboat; Cuchu barely escapes. eRulla uses her double agents at InterPoc to spy on the investigation. Cuchu’s father, a retired U. S. Senator silently gathering Intel on TainBo is murdered when he gets too close. Enraged, Cuchu goes after O’Toole, but with some trepidation; she must decide whether to arrest him or join him. With the clock ticking, Cuchu changes her tactics and talks O’Toole into helping her against TainBo. The best strategy seems to be tracking down the elusive alcoholic programmer who created Osmosis in the first place, in the hopes of getting him sober and write a counter-program. Now all they have to do is get to him first … and they do, but with eRulla, the FBI, CIA and Scotland Yard watching every step. A double-double cross caper is set with Counter-Osmosis-Spiders wiping out all reference to Osmosis on FBI, CIA and Scotland Yard’s main frame data base and totally destroying eRulla’s entire computer network. The Bad Guys are rounded-up. Cuchu gets her man and they sail-off in the sunset. Registered WGAw

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