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By Anita Gomez

GENRE: Sci-fi

Extraterrestrials seeded our planet millennia ago quietly living among
us, encouraging our evolution, but now Earth’s environmental reckoning
has arrived and Mankind’s only hope is they reveal themselves to us, unleashing both global chaos and universal hope


Set in the immediate future, mankind is on the brink of inescapable

failure. Science, too long ignored, is impotent against the inexorable

march of extreme climate change pushing Earth to the abyss. Species

extinction, food shortages, millions of environmental migrants, and

escalating natural disasters threaten billions of lives.

Benevolent ‘Others’-Aliens who are humanoid in appearance –live among

us. This story is about the transition of where we are as a species, and

our future potential: The ‘Others’ teaching us how to live without

fossil fuels and introducing new technologies that advance our

civilization out of our current mess. This is not a sci-fi story set in

some far-flung future… but how we transition into the future… learning

new healing modalities based on ancient wisdoms.

Written from the point of view of the Extraterrestrials who seeded our

planet millennia ago, and who have been living among us, undisclosed

until now, subtly encouraging our evolution. Their non-interventionist

policies are no longer an option if they choose to save Humankind from


Their ‘cover’ has been a global corporate entity. SETH, as CEO, and his

Board of Directors, along with an international Consortium of ‘Others’

have the wisdom and advanced technologies as our only rescue from

inevitable extinction. Radical climate transformation is unfolding. Now

these ‘Higher Powers’ must step out of the shadows and Reveal themselves

to humankind.

Seth and The Consortium plan the "Great Reveal" globally within three

days. Personal complications among these ‘Others’ rise to the surface as

we learn just how integrated they have become with each other, and

with humans. The Reveal brings hope of pulling Earth back from the

brink, but also causes fear, confusion and denial.

To complicate matters we learn that these benevolent Higher Powers are

not the only ‘Others’ who have infiltrated our planet. During the

painful throes of Earth’s decline we discover the insidious ‘Greys’, who

are circling the Earth like vultures.

The 'Others' must educate humanity’s leaders and the military to

avoid further disaster and possible outside attack. This requires

international cooperation on a scale never before achieved. People are

slow to change, so The Others must institute initiatives that reach far

into the global economy, change resource management, energy distribution

and means of transportation. Only higher ideals and advanced

technologies can change Man’s fate.

This process reveals that many of our world leaders are also Others.

Seth, his wife CARA, and his brother JACKSON are at the center of the

tough decisions, both global and personal. In the end, Humanity must

learn to live in harmony not only with each other but with The Others.

This story is grounded in science and does not portray aliens as violent

or dark. In fact, it espouses that humanity has sprung from these

‘Others’. The final scene is about the personal lives of these

Others–when Jackson, Seth’s brother and the father of Cara’s son - must

leave the planet, replaced by his own six-time great-granddaughter.

These plot twists reveal the true sacrificial nature of our 'Higher


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