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By Sharon Moore

GENRE: Sci-fi
LOGLINE: (Heart of Darkness in space with a female protagonist): A young woman wins a lottery to participate in a PR mission to another planet, only to find that she was cast as a lure for a renegade geneticist suspected of illegal cloning.


Psychology doctoral student EVA WARD wins a lottery to join a NASA mission to an Earth-like planet, where a paleogenomic team has been de-extincting animal species to remedy global ecosystem imbalance. At initial briefing, Eva learns that it’s actually a search and rescue mission; the scientists have not been heard from in nine months, save for the cryptic transmission “Rosebud.” NASA Team Five includes First Sgt. CHARLIE MARLOWSKI (late 40s/early 50s, braced leg), Staff Sgt. RAVI MALLICK (handsome, 20s), Tech Sgt. JESSICA ORTIZ (39, lesbian) and Master Sgt. CONNOR PARK (30s, Korean). Cryptic messages to the crew en route hint that something is seriously wrong with the paleo team; the rescue team receives intel that the lead geneticist, KURT ADAMS (40s), has gone rogue, experimenting with human cloning. On the planet, the scientists’ biodome is deserted; animal pens are empty. NASA Team Five sets out in search down river in a LARC (amphibious vehicle). One team member is mauled to death; a second disappears; there are other mysterious events and revelations. Eva begins to distrust the remaining crew and to suspect that the government has sent her for ulterior motives. For one thing, she discovers she’s a dead ringer for Kurt’s deceased wife. On watch, Eva sees the disappeared colleague leave a message that Eva’s not safe and to flee to find Kurt that night—then Eva discovers the colleague already dead. Terrified yet resolute, Eva steals away in the LARC. When it runs aground and she can’t dislodge it, a de-extincted passenger pigeon drops Eva a message from Kurt with coordinates; she sets off into the jungle. Eva’s quest brings her to the brink of despair when Kurt, the sole survivor of the paleo team, finds her. They have an idyll; he reveals the real purpose of the paleo mission and his own misguided reasons for becoming involved, now disavowed. The two pilgrim souls become lovers. Just as Eva and Kurt think they have a chance of escaping back to Earth as whistleblowers, Charlie discovers them. He threatens Eva and wounds Kurt despite his stated intention to escort them back safely. But Ravi surprises and subdues Charlie, of whom he’d also become mistrustful. The trio flees in the LARC by river and mountain back to the pod and shuttle. But Charlie, far more powerful than he had seemed capable, recovers and heads out in relentless pursuit. Charlie gains entrance to the pod just as Kurt orders Eva and Ravi (wounded by Charlie) into the inner hatch to prepare to launch. To save the others, Kurt literally embraces Charlie while ejecting them both into space forever. Days later on the shuttle, Eva learns she’s pregnant, then finds Ravi’s pants and discovers that the blood from Charlie’s attack is fake. Realizing she’s been used and the government will want Kurt’s progeny, Eva manages to put Ravi into permanent hyper sleep, then enters her own sleep chamber, saying to her fetus, “We’re going home.”

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