On stage in the main room of The Comedy Store in Hollywood, California USA! I'm In my Superhero pose from my Hyperdork comedy bit :)
Me with neon portrait of the legendary Andy Kaufman at The Comedy Store in Hollywood, California USA
Getting ready 2 perform stand-up at The Comedy Store on Sunset Blvd. in Hollywood, California USA
Excerpt from my Graphic Novel "Hyperdork: Years And Years Of Trauma" available on Amazon in paper & kindle digital:)
On the set of sitcom pilot "This Will Be!" With RC Everbeck. My character did many stupid things trying 2 impress girls including a drunk Elvis impression
Performing stand-up comedy at Flappers in Burbank, California USA
Cover of my Graphic Novel! "Hyperdork: Years And Years Of Trauma" based on a screenplay I wrote, based on parts of my stand-up comedy act! www.youtube.com/jimmyfrancis7