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A despondent young shaman and inventor of the Interface, a device facilitating communication between humans and orcas, joins forces with a vengeful spirit to derail the Navy’s Marine Mammal Weapons Program.
Adam, a dispirited young inventor of the Interface – a device he hopes facilitates human and orca communication. - is befriended and assisted by The Sailor, an avenging specter.
Standing in their way is Karl, The Sailors murderer and Adam’s uncle, who is hell-bent on forcing Falda, a captive orca, to test his weapon prototype.
When the Interface is a success, Falda’s psychosis and demands to be liberated touch Adam deeply forcing him to reconsider the shamanic healing powers he shackled as a child.
Can The Sailor, Adam and Falda, victims of circumstance and subjugated each in his own way, prevail over Karl’s Weapons Program to attain their freedom?
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