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By Eric Christopherson

GENRE: Thriller, Mystery

In "Blue Heaven," a Rocky Mountain hotspot for police retirees, a half-Native detective must solve the bow and arrow murders of two infamous white cops before her city implodes in racial violence.

J.B. Storey

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Kevin Johnson

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Angela Cristantello

Really really intriguing start, Eric! I'm curious about what makes these white cops so "infamous" in the first place. Was much of their work as cops racially motivated & was that a well-known thing (thus leading to their murder)? If so, I wonder if you could make that clearer, ie: "...solve the bow and arrow murders of two notoriously racist white cops before her city implodes in violence."

But again, SUper good start!

Amazing Kacee

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Nathaniel Baker

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Phil Clarke

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Nate Rymer

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Frank Baruch

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Frank Baruch

Great logline and really cool premise! I'm not sure if it was intentional but you may have a typo in your logline (is it Blue Heaven or Blue Hell?) Oh, I see, the town is called Blue Heaven. Boy, do I feel stupid.

Personally, I like the "infamous" angle because it keeps me guessing. Were these cops on the take, did they mishandle a case, maybe sexual abuse or an accidental death? I think it would deflate a lot of the mystery if you were to come out and say why. But that's just my two cents.

Jill Godley

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