After a string of female deaths that were ruled accidents, a sheriff and his teen daughter hunt a killer in their sleepy forest village. Set in present day.
It's missing the protagonists' obstacle(s). The logline needs to say who the protagonist and antagonist are, the goal of the protagonist, and the challenges in reaching that goal. You can also shorten a bit. Maybe start with, "After a string of 'accidental" female deaths, ..." Just a suggestion. Good luck!
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Take out the "female" and "set in present day" and you're good.
Ridiculously late reply, sorry.
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It's missing the protagonists' obstacle(s). The logline needs to say who the protagonist and antagonist are, the goal of the protagonist, and the challenges in reaching that goal. You can also shorten a bit. Maybe start with, "After a string of 'accidental" female deaths, ..." Just a suggestion. Good luck!
Oh, and delete, "Set in present day."
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