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By Natasha Powell

GENRE: Sci-fi, Thriller

A scientist desperate for acknowledgement discovers a cold fusion device, but when solar flares cause it to decay, he must disarm it before it kills millions.


“This gadget can do what Tesla couldn’t, power the world.”

When Lee Talbot recovers a devastated ship, he finds not only dead bodies but a whale with a handheld nuclear reactor in its belly.

And Rodney Bateman, a billionaire tycoon, will do anything to obtain it. For good reasons, the tiny reactor is capable of powering the US for over 500 years and is the key to powering a stasis pod that can cure his cancer.

But after the device malfunctions in tandem with solar flares, Lee’s worst fear comes into fruition. The world is only one solar flare away from global destruction.

As Lee let’s go of his own aspirations for using the device to get his PhD and readies to get rid it, Rodney kidnaps him and forces him to fix the device or die trying.

Now, while unknowing American’s sleep, a radioactive device malfunctions and our only savoir is Lee who’s tied up in a bunker.

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