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By Stuart Scowcroft

GENRE: Action

One brilliant martial artist - imprisoned on an island - fighting for his life every thirty days with webcams watching every moment as rich global gamblers bet on this game of death.


Brodie ’s Island by Stuart Scowcroft

John Brodie is a martial artist, one of the best. But in Asia, nobody believes a westerner can beat the world. No Westerner has ever won the ultimate martial arts tournament where there are no rules and only the fittest survive. He is recruited by the CIA to penetrate the HQ of drug and arms dealer, Wang Wei and his killer son, Jintao. The way in is through the Kumite held inside Want’s fortess-like compound.

So Brodie enters the competition..

As the preparations go ahead for the tournament, he is confronted by Jintao, champion martial artist and rich, powerful gangster. This guy is used to winning and Face is everything.

In the opening rounds of the tournament, Brodie and Jintao are clearly supreme. In bout after bout, they defeat fighters with every style. Then they come face to face in the final. After a huge battle, Brodie has Jintao defeated and at his mercy. But he will not kill Jintao….this is not a blood sport for Brodie .

When his back is turned, Jintao tries to kill him with a nunchuk and almost succeeds. But Brodie is still too quick for him and again defeats him, shaming him as a cheat and a coward.

Humiliated, Jintao, vows a twisted revenge. He orders Brodie kidnapped and taken to a remote island where he will be abandoned. A martial artist will be sent to kill him every full moon. It is a way for Jintao to humiliate Brodie , he thinks, because sooner or later Brodie will be defeated and will be killed. Every month there will be a countdown to death until finally he will be killed.

And the “game” is transmitted by remote cameras to the Internet allowing users to gamble on the outcome of the deadly monthly battles.

12 months into his imprisonment and there are 12 graves on the island. Brodie is almost a wild man, driven to train himself to perfection and defeat all comers rather than allow Jintao his satisfaction. In a series of flashbacks, we see Brodie fighting with different styles and great skill.

Always the killers’ boat stays a long way offshore. No tender is on the beach. There is no way for Brodie to even try to capture the boat. As the tender drops off the latest killer he (or she) is told “be back on the beach this time tomorrow….if you are still alive’ They leave.

Brodie plans how he might get onto the boat and leave the island finally. He builds a raft and floats it out one night hoping to catch the assassin’s boat crew unaware. But they have sophisticated motion sensor gear and detect him immediately and open fire on his raft. They have been told not to kill him. That is for the assassin on the island. Brodie swims back through the surf nearly drowning on the way.

Onto the island comes Jenna, sent by Jintao because he thinks defeat by a woman would be the ultimate shame. Jintao has told Jenna that he will kill her family if she does not defeat and kill Brodie so for her there is more at stake than money. She is a brilliant martial artist and not afraid to play on the Westerner’s attitude toward women, to defeat him.

In a running battle, Brodie is almost beaten. Jenna has him at her mercy after a freak collapse of a cliff edge leaves him hanging by a thread. But she has too much honour to win by accident and saves his life. Now there is a bond between them.

Jenna announces that she will not kill this man. He has honour and she does too. The act saves her from her despair, and she can be herself again.

Jintao is furious and vows to make it harder. He will break any rule and send professional killers. He will torture Brodie and bring him down.

The next day a corpse drops from the sky. It is her brother. A note is pinned to him saying two fighters will come now each full moon and the sport will be great until the pair die. And to make it more enticing, they are told that Jenna’s mother and father will also die at the moment of defeat for her and Brodie .

Brodie is humbled by Jenna’s sacrifice. He vows to get them off the island and avenge her brother’s death and save her parents.

The pair prepares the island for assault. They know that Jintao will not honour his own scheme. They set traps, snares, trenches, animal pits. The Island becomes a death trap.

Eight killers come, not two, and the pair battle them together in a ferocious combat. For days the fight rages across the island. One by one the assassins are brought down.

Brodie and Jenna decide they must work at night so that the cameras can be deceived. Offshore they see the lights of the assassins’ boat waiting. Could this be their way off the island? But it is far out and no boat is onshore. They must entice a boat ashore.

As the battle reaches its climax, the face four assassins in a battle within the very graveyard where so many are buried. One of the assassins pulls a gun. Win at all costs. Honour has no place here.

A bullet hits Jenna but before he can finish her, a long shafted arrow pins him to a tree. Brodie has not forgotten the martial arts weapons he knows.

Using the guns Brodie shoots out the cameras. Now Jintao is blind and cannot have his show.

Furious Jintao orders an armed patrol ashore to hunt them down and kill them. Enough martial arts. This is a death hunt.

At night, Brodie and Jenna move the stakes that mark the channel through the reef. When the high speed launch heads in at dawn, it smashes onto the reef. The patrol is thrown into the sea. Weapons are lost. The sharks feast.

Five of the patrol gets to shore. They still have knives and the weapons of a Ninja…the shuriken, etc.

In a final battle Brodie and Jenna kill them all.

On the shore they find the life raft from the wrecked tender….their ticket out. At night they row silently out to the waiting enemy boat. Brodie has rigged a diversion on shore using a candle as a timer. Suddenly fire springs up on the island. The remaining crew crowd to the side of the boat to watch. Brodie and Jenna slip silently over the opposite side.

In the morning the boat is moving away from the island. In its wake are the bodies of the crew. Brodie is at the wheel. On his way for revenge.

The Tournament.. Jintao has reigned supreme since the final with Brodie three years earlier. He has killed plenty of fighters along the way. Now he lines up for another final confident of victory.

As his opponent is about to climb into the ring a hush falls…a wild man has walked in. Brodie . He walks to the ring and denounces Jintao as coward and challenges him.

Jintao cannot refuse. He thinks Brodie is weak from his long stay on the island.

In a furious battle that reprises the first time they met, Brodie finally has Jintao at his mercy. As before, he will not kill him. As before Jintao will try to kill

Brodie by foul means. But this time someone is watching Brodie ’s back. As Jintao rushes towards Brodie wielding a katana, it seems certain that Brodie will die. Then Jintao drops. In his back are shuriken. Jenna has her revenge.

Brodie turns to her. Their eyes meet. They bow as martial artists to each other….and then smile as lovers.

Felix Agyeman Boahen

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