GENRE: Not selected
Double Blind
Double Blind is the story of two brothers on opposite sides of
the law who are much more alike than they are willing to admit. The two men are simultaneously torn apart and forever joined by an act of betrayal and murder that can never be forgiven.
The main characters are:
Jimmy DeAngelo (44): (Visualize Chaz Palminteri) A gangster
who has risen through the ranks of the mob. Jimmy becomes boss when he kills
the man who
recruited him, Carmen Rizzuto.
Steven DeAngelo (35): (Visualize Andy Garcia with a touch of
Leo DiCaprio)Steven is Jimmy’s younger brother. He’s a
rising star Police Detective who appears to derail his own
career by transferring to the ‘One-Five’, a corrupt precinct in the heart of
Jimmy’s territory.
Maggie McLaine (24): (Visualize Leighton Meester in
therapy)A novice public defender. Adopted at age four by FBI agent Richard McLaine
and his wife Alice, Maggie has no idea that her previous life as Layla Shefford is
connected to the rift between Jimmy and Steven DeAngelo.
The Backstory:
In 1988 Jimmy DeAngelo is a street punk hanging
around the fringes of the Siciliano crime family controlled
by Carmen Rizzuto. Rizzuto needs to neutralize a low-level
hustler named Phil Shefford who knows something he
shouldn’t. Carmen also strongly suspects that Jimmy knows
the same secret. Knowing that Jimmy’s little brother
babysits Phil’s kids, Rizzuto forces Jimmy to trick Steven
into revealing Phil’s whereabouts. Jimmy kills Phil’s six
year old son. The DeAngelo brothers are torn apart forever
and Phil, Jimmy and Steven are neutralized as threats to
The Current Situation:
Jimmy has just killed Carmen and taken control of the
Siciliano’s. His hold, however, is tenuous. The other
families are unhappy that the new boss’ brother is a cop.
The situation worsens when Steven transfers to the precinct
right under Jimmy’s nose. Steven is gunning for his gangster
brother and everyone knows it. Unknown to both brothers,
Maggie has taken on a client who knows who she really is
(even if she doesn‘t). What he knows about the murder of
Maggie’s brother could bring down Jimmy and Steven before
they can destroy each other.