Gary Ploski: Actor, director and editor in Portland, Oregon.

Gary Ploski

Verily! Long time to see. Hope the family business is doing great. Hehehe. ;-) #intel

Gary Ploski

Rock on, Ben. I'm happy to say I'd seen your zombie commercial before moving to PDX. =)

Gary Ploski

I can understand why. Hope to meet you at a local meet-up event to hear more about what you and 10 Bridges are up to creatively.

Linda Scarlett

Can you put a link on so I can see your zombie commercial?

Linda Scarlett

Thank you! I look forward to watching it.

Zachary Preston

Great to see you rockin' it in Portland, Gary! - Zack Rouse, Realtor, Actor, Saxophonist

Gary Ploski

Rock on, Mark! Great to see you on Stage 32. =D

Mark W. Petersen

You too Gary! Thanks for connecting! Hope to see you soon.

Gary Ploski

If you haven't work with Amy yet, you're missing out on an incredibly talented MUA and an über awesome addition to your crew and happiness on-set.

Gary Ploski

This weekend I directed a piece called Alt+Her that deals with a topic that I never imagined would become a part of my history. Here's the teaser I cut to wet your appetite.

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Jebarri Dean

Finally put together a Sound Design Reel this spring. Let me know what you think!

Gary Ploski

Whoa! Seriously fantastic stuff and coincidentally great timing. I'm not sure if you're interested but I just posted this:

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Jebarri Dean

thanks Gary!

Gary Ploski

Hey there! =D

Erica Risberg

:) Nice to connect with you here! Have a great weekend!

Gary Ploski

Hear, hear! It's a weekend of volunteering and World Cup for me. I hope you've got great stuff lined up too.

Erica Risberg

We do indeed! Enjoy!

Gary Ploski

My first acting Sizzle Reel...

Gary Ploski

Sizzle Reel - Gary Ploski

Non-union Seeking representation Based in Portland, Oregon

Gary Ploski
Super short works available for online use?

Hi there writers. Are you or do you know any writers interested in allowing the use of their work, über short (30 seconds - 1.5 minute) scenes or monologues, to be recorded and posted online? The reason for asking is that I'm seeking material that can be used to collaborate with actors, writers, etc...

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Gary Ploski
Do actors befriend you?

While reading Final Cut Pro X: Advanced Editing these two sentences stood out to me as a big ol 'what the truck?' aka o.O moment... "Make no mistake: It's the editor who chooses how an actor's performance plays in each scene. This is why smart actors befriend the editor on their films." As an actor...

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Justine-Paula Robilliard

Sorry, RIRO applies here, rubbish in, rubbish out, no matter how good you are, it is simply not possible to chrome a turd!!

Justine-Paula Robilliard

All I am saying, since the commencement of this thread was that I think it is a bad idea, the editor might sacrifice production value for friendship value, it happens, sometimes the actor might not be...

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Sten Ryason

Interestingly, one of the actors on a film I worked on turned in such an annoying performance that she became the villain of her only scene, rather than the "social magnet" that she was supposed to be...

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Mike Swift

Storyboards and concept illustration. Over 30 feature films credits, TV episodic, and 100s of commercial spots. love to break down scripts into small descriptive drawings. Good luck, Gary.

Gary Ploski

Great to meet you, Johnnie. Have you been in PDX for long?

Johnnie Mazzocco

HI, Gary. I moved to PDX two years ago, and while I still consider myself based there, I'm near Tacoma right now on a long-term house sitting job until the end of June. How about you? My film will be screening at Clinton Street Theater at 2pm on Sunday, 4/27. Hope to see you there!

Gary Ploski

Whoa! Contrats. =D On this side of the keyboard I find that March has been an amazingly wonderful welcoming to PDX along with a clearing off of the plate of to-do items that followed me here from NY. It feels as though April is going to be the start of figuring things out again. #excited

Gary Ploski

Wonderful to meet you, Bob. It looks like you've been pretty busy since 2008. Congrats!

Bob Barr

Thanks, Gary.

Ernest Dempsey

I am working with award-winning author Jewel Kats who has made many media appearances in both US and Canada and featured on magazine covers in both countries. Kats' latest book "Snow White's Seven Patches" is the first vitiligo-themed fairy tale in the world for children literature. Previously her a...

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Gary Ploski

This sounds very intriguing, Ernest. My wife and I use media to raise awareness of social issues. We're relatively new to the game on our own but have been creating for many years. Here is our site......

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West Ramsey

Thanks for connecting!

Gary Ploski

That's fantastic. How have you found the film/theater scene since?

West Ramsey

I've been filming on quite a few projects here... there is a ton going on. There is a ton of theater as well but I've hardly seen any yet... it's on my list. Sent you an invite on facebook... several local film groups on there posting auditions, screenings, etc.

Gary Ploski

That's really exciting to hear. A new friend has been sharing some resources she's been using and I'm looking forward to hearing about more. I'll head over to FB sometime today. As you know I'm new to...

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Leni Smoragdova

Dear Gary, For this moment I'm looking for a manager for my art and a producer for my new short film Maybe it's you) Best $M...

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Gary Ploski

Many thanks for considering me, Leni. I generally produce my own work though the larger factor to note is that I am no longer in the NYC area. In fact I'm on the west coast so that would create some challenges for me as I'm finding my footing out here.

Leni Smoragdova


Sean Topping

Hi Gary, welcome to PDX !

Gary Ploski

Thanks, Sean. It's quite the wonderful place to be. And what's that out there... Sun?! The forecast lies. =)

Gary's network

Martin Cole
Mark OLeal
Fuzzy Batten
Richard Sangeleer
Lawrence Whiteside
Jeff Neuman
Matt Dichirico
Steve Gordandi
Adam Elliott Davis
Lauren McKean
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