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By Will Pollock

GENRE: Documentary, Other

Based on the book of the same name, "Pizza for Good" will be a vibrant, fast-paced 30-min. chat show comprised of a visit, interview and cooking session with a celebrity, sports star or community leader. This individual will be invited to shine a spotlight on a non-profit, organization or other worthy cause through whatever themed-pizza (or other crazy food) idea they bring with them. Each episode will serve as a mini-kickstarter for that particular worthy cause.


Based on the book of the same name and hosted by Will Pollock, "Pizza for Good" will start with a cold open, monologue, a rotating humor bit, interview with a guest, cooking the dough and/or topping recipe, eat, and close. Shot on location at Stone Four Studios or another location TBD. The show will be a combination of pop-culture, current events and a focus on what that particular guest is up to (are they pitching a movie? are they about to release a CD? are they making a statement as a sports figure?). Within all communities around the country there's a desire to give back, and this is a fun way to engage that energy. The show be a collaborative yet simple 30-minutes within a set format, but with lots of room for variations. Plan on shooting a test episode soon.

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