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By Kathy Panzella

GENRE: Thriller

A newlywed gets a lot more than she bargained for when she finds out her husband is a dangerous conman.

Set entirely in the state of Georgia and similar to MY HUSBAND’S DOUBLE LIFE.


A woman at the Atlanta airport drops her passport in front of Simone, an office manager in her 30’s who longs to travel to Paris. She is waiting for Ben, a balding forty-year old executive from Savannah who has a birthmark on his hand. Ben wines and dines her whenever he’s in town. A few months later, Simone accepts his proposal. Soon she is a newly married woman, in love, but alone due to Ben’s many business trips.

At a convention Ben secretly meets his lover Marcie. In the spa, Marcie hits Simone with a tennis racquet, giving her a concussion, but Simone remembers nothing of the attack. Beth, Simone’s friend, wonders if Ben’s having an affair so Simone decides to go to Savannah to investigate. She walks into Ben’s office, ambushing him. After Simone leaves, Ben calls Marcie, telling her to remove her clothes from his condo. That night, before Ben returns from drinks with Marcie, Simone wakes, explores the condo, and finds two of Ben’s CDs. After she’s asleep, Ben sabotages Simone’s car. On the interstate, her tire flies off, but she is OK.

Back in Atlanta, Simone and Beth find photos of women and their houses on the discs. Simone confronts Ben: either therapy or a divorce. Marcie, in disguise, sideswipes Simone, who falls and fractures her elbow. After a few weeks of therapy, Ben wants Simone to go on a sailing trip and she agrees. Before the trip, Ben secretly loosens her house porch railing. Her son, Josh, falls but isn’t hurt.

Simone meets Marcie on the sailboat, an unpleasant surprise. As they motor south, Marcie jibes the sail to make Simone fall overboard, but Simone only cuts her knee. She goes below to get the first aid kit and finds the ship’s logbook. Marcie owns the boat and Ben has been lying about it. Simone calls Beth and tells her. After dinner, an argument starts. Ben ties up Simone then knocks her out. Ben and Marcie head for the bedroom. Simone wakes up and climbs onto the deck. She frees her hands, locks the hatch, and radios the Coast Guard. Ben and Marcie shoot at Simone and a spark ignites the radio. After the door crashes open, Simone conks Ben on the head with a fire extinguisher and he falls on Marcie, hitting her with his gun. Both are unconscious. As the sail burns, Simone crawls to the bow and contemplates jumping off. A Coast Guard boat arrives and an officer handcuffs the pair.

In court, Marcie divulges Ben’s affairs and his plot to take Simone’s house. They are jailed. Simone divorces him and gets on a plane to Paris She sits next to a handsome Frenchman who asks her to tour the Louvre with him. Her passport sticks out of her bag.


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