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By Christopher Chance

GENRE: Action, Thriller

When a rookie secret agent volunteers to infiltrate a terrorist plot; against all the odds, he winds up becoming a key player, right at the top.


A British Secret Service agent is urgently required to infiltrate a terrorist gun running and drug dealing organisation.

The Secret Service has plenty of James Bond types; ex-public schoolboy operatives who are totally unsuited to the task of socialising and dealing with the underclass of heroin dealers and urban terrorists.

From the other side of the tracks comes, up-through-the-ranks military spook, ARROWSMITH, a flint-hearted Anglo-Saxon who finds himself plucked out of a cadre of undercover operatives training in Germany and inserted into the intrigue of the Joint Services Intelligence Wing at the military HQ in Berlin.

Arrowsmith is under the command of Q, the senior intelligence officer whose office intercepts global intelligence information through various nefarious means and is able to operate outside of normal British Government boundaries and restrictions.

Seemingly unaccountable, Q relentlessly pursues terrorist organisations without the shackles of ministerial control. Q selects Arrowsmith to infiltrate the inner sanctums of terrorist groups as an arms and drugs dealer because he is a proven specimen of strength, endurance and mental agility in the field of shadows. Q also knows about Arrowsmith’s childhood friend, ABDULLA HABIBULLA, who is a Mujahideen warlord, trading heroin and arms in and out of Afghanistan.

Enter KATE MULCAHY, a senior Secret Intelligence Service officer with a wealth of female international intelligence contacts, a priceless asset in the war against the narco-terrorist, a dedicated agent with talented linguistic skills and a hard attitude to all things masculine, whose lesbian traits are crushed by ‘Arrow’ Arrowsmith’s beautiful masculinity. She imparts the secrets of her Zoroastrian ancestry and teaches Arrowsmith secret codes to ensure his safe passage through the mountain passes and primitive trails of the arms and drugs brigands.

Kate’s feelings for Arrow escalate rapidly as they work together along the learning curve of the international secret agent.

Part of his induction into the higher echelons of the Secret Service is joining the VRK Secret Sect, which is a nucleus of Intelligence from which all other departments and agencies are influenced. VRK means Very Restricted Knowledge and the sect is an offshoot from the Brotherhood of Freemasons. Arrowsmith attends his initiation ceremony in the crypt of the Berlin HQ to become a Knight Assassin.

After the ceremony Kate’s affections blossom and their relationship deepens. Eventually, she trusts him implicitly and imparts her knowledge of the precious contacts essential in their cloak and dagger world.

A defecting double agent from East Germany causes a minor hiccup in Arrow’s training so Q tests him and tasks him to deal with the agent. Arrow suffers the loss of a beautiful colleague as he kills the double agent. Arrow returns to West Berlin to learn about his insertion into the terrorist strongholds.

Through the network of terrorists, arms dealers and drug barons; a complicated plot is hatched so the groups involved will get their arms, drugs and money to support their cause. The plot involves ETA; Black September, Mafia, Mujahideen, IRA and Mu’ammar al-Qadhafi.

HANNAH COHEN, a beautiful Shin Bet (Mossad) operator, passes information to Kate Mulcahy regarding the terrorist plot. This raw intelligence enables Q to organise and insert the brazen impostor, Arrowsmith; who successfully infiltrates the organisation and trades heroin and arms with ETA, Black September, Mujahideen and IRA with the help of his warlord friend, Abdulla Habibulla, who also provides a guide on arrival in Peshawar.

IBRAHIM, a Warrior of the Islamic Order of Chivalry (FUTWWA), no less. A brave, experienced assassin, educated at Oxford is assigned to help Arrow in his endeavours. Ibrahim proves his worth in different guises and stays with Arrow till the end. (He is crucial in the sequel).

Arrowsmith’s task is to smuggle 500kg of pure heroin from Afghanistan through Pakistan and on through the Suez Canal to rendezvous with the Claudia, the famous IRA ship captured with tons of weapons and Joe Cahill, the IRA supremo onboard.

The KGB wrongly suspect Arrow’s cargo of heroin is to finance arms for the Mujahideen, so they set about to scupper his yacht in the Arabian Sea. One of Arrow’s crew members is a British double agent working with the KGB. He is assassinated by Hannah Cohen, the Mossad agent, who replaces him as a crew member. She stays on board and witnesses the transferring of the heroin onto the Claudia at the rendezvous somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea. Also, on entering Tripoli harbour, Arrow meets two Arabs. Hannah Cohen recognises two high-ranking members of Black September: MAHMUD YUSSUF NAJJER and ZAID MUCHASSI, both on the Mossad ‘Most Wanted’ list, talking with Arrow. (Later, in real life; both these men were assassinated by Mossad).

Hannah Cohen is whisked away by Mossad, leaving Arrow and Ibrahim to sail the yacht to Gibraltar where Arrow recruits an old pal as a crew member, BRIAN FLYNN. Flynnie also stays with Arrow till the end.

Before leaving Tripoli, there is a change of plan. The arms will remain in Tripoli and be loaded onto the Claudia while Arrow takes £2 million to Ireland. The money is the change from the arms deal with MOHAMMED BOUDIA who loads the money onto Arrow’s yacht. Boudia is one of the top men in Black September. (Later, in real life, Mossad’s Wrath of God squad assassinate him in Paris.)

As they cast off in Tripoli harbour, the two Arabs, Muchassi and Yussuf arrive with two female terrorists. The terrorists jump onboard as the Arabs drive away. After disarming them, Arrow reluctantly agrees to take one to Morocco and the other to Ireland. During the journey both girls end up in the sea before reaching their destinations.

After picking up Flynnie in Gibraltar, Arrow puts in to Kinsale harbour and begins the Irish adventure by contacting the IRA to inform them of the £2 million. The Claudia, with tons of weapons and Joe Cahill on board had been arrested at sea, so the money is a big surprise. Eventually, Arrow is accepted into the High Command of the IRA and is instrumental in the planning of future operations: just what Q had planned.

Much of the adventure takes place in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Ireland, and Libya and on the high seas. The action is violent, sexy and intriguing. The characters are captivating; alluring and in places, real: though the real ones die a violent death.

The story is based on actual events but is manipulated to induce a compelling script. It ends with Arrowsmith being accepted into the inner sanctum of the terrorist organisation as a hero and as an arms and drugs trader involved in the planning of future terrorist activity. Q achieves his aim.


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Christopher Chance

I have only shown the 1st act because I am still working on this project.

Christopher Chance

Just changed the logline of 'ASSASSINS CODE 1'. The original seemed clunky.

Christopher Chance

Just finished 'ASSASSINS CODE 1' now I've started the edit and polishing of the 1st draft. Should be ready for pitching in Jan 15.

Christopher Chance

Just uploaded rewritten 1st Act. You might like it.

Christopher Chance

Hi Robert, sorry for the delay. I use FD8. I first started with celtx 10 years or more ago.



Christopher Chance

Just finished my latest rewrite and downloaded the script here.

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