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By Christopher Chance

GENRE: Thriller

 The drug barons and bad cops thought they had their man, little did they know his wife would be the death of them.


It is 2001 and the Rutters arrive in Spain to start their new life in the martial arts business.

They find premises for their dojo, which has an apartment above; ideal for their needs. However, their landlords are conniving gangsters who let them build their business before setting the trap that ensnares them into reluctantly muling drugs for them.

They informed the Rutters that the premises are to be sold unless they can buy it themselves, which they couldn’t. Their only way out was to mule drugs from La Linea to Malaga on the Costa del Sol.

Mrs Rutter ran the martial arts business while Mr Rutter smuggled drugs. He became very good at it and increased his payload by sailing the drugs from Morocco to Spain instead of by road between La Linea and Malaga, thereby enabling him to buy the business from the gangsters and cutting ties with them… Or so he thought.

Because of his seamanship skills and his knowledge of the work involved, it wasn’t long before the gangsters came looking for him. The violence that followed was stunning for the Rutters and threats regarding Mrs Rutter’s life tipped the scales, so he was shanghaied into becoming a RIB jockey again.

This voyage took him to a Moroccan beach where an Arab drug baron offered him a job and home in Morocco but Rutter declined but would keep him in mind. Abselem, the drug baron will loom large in their lives as things go from bad to worse.

On returning to the beach in Spain, he is met by other, more ruthless gangsters who coerce him into sailing their yacht to South America for a cargo of cocaine. Unfortunately for them and Rutter; he was grassed by one of the beach team and was arrested by a corrupt cop and ended up in prison.

Abselem, the Moroccan, gets him out on bail with the plan to get the Rutters to Morocco where they can live and Rutter can sail Abselem’s drugs across to Spain.

Because his skills are required by rival gangs, a gun battle happens outside the prison, leaving Rutter injured amongst dead gangsters.

He is taken to hospital under guard while Mrs Rutter is waiting on a jetty for her man to take them to Morocco. An American guy by the name of Tank (a friend of Rutter’s) ends up taking her across to Morocco and on the way teaches her the seamanship skills to skipper a RIB.

Consequently, she ends up becoming the only female RIB jockey drug trafficker on the Mediterranean Sea… and she’s very good at it.

Rutter is taken back to prison from the hospital and things are made difficult for him because the bent cop has friends inside. Also, the grass that put Rutter in the frame initially gets killed by a hitman from the other gang, for which his widow, a famous flamenco dancer wants revenge and blames Rutter for the killing.

She teams up with the bent cop and between them they cause Rutter much grief in prison.

Rutter gets word out to Abselem, who also has many friends in prison and things soon come to a head in prison, ending up with Rutter back in hospital with more injuries.

On discovering who is responsible for Rutter’s problems; Mrs Rutter sails back to Spain and finds the flamenco dancer and after bouncing her around a toilet, warns her and tells her the bent cop is next.

On a subsequent drug trip, she unloads on the beach and goes to a pre-arranged meeting with her Moroccan team in a Spanish bar. She didn’t know she was being followed by the bent cop who had arranged an ambush for her and the gang.

Drinking al fresco outside the bar, the gang, including Mrs Rutter are surrounded and the gunfight ends with the Moroccans dead and Mrs Rutter lying with them wounded. The bent cop aims and shoots each Arab in the head and is about to shoot Mrs Rutter when a hitman from the other gang shoots him from a nearby car, killing him. In the chaos, the car drives away with the boss of the other gang and the assassin.

Tank, who was getting a round of drinks at the time, escaped the execution but saw who fired the shot that killed the bent cop. He witnessed the whole thing and now he tells Abselem that Mrs Rutter is wounded and is going to hospital.

The Rutters are now both in hospital in different wards – both under guard.

The boss of the cocaine gang instructs his hitman to get Rutter out of hospital and get him on the yacht (he can recover at sea). In the meantime, Rutter has discovered that his wife is in another ward suffering from gunshot wounds. He goes ape but settles down after he sees her.

The hitman arrives in the hospital car park and sees the flamenco dancer dressed as a nurse walking into the reception and disappearing up the stairs. He follows and flashes his phony police badge to the night nurse on reception and off he goes in search of Rutter.

After dealing with the guard, the hitman pulls Rutter out of bed and Rutter refuses to budge without his wife. The hitman, realizing why the flamenco dancer was dressed as a nurse tells Rutter his wife is in great danger so off they go to Mrs Rutter’s ward where they find her covered in blood and the flamenco dancer dead on the floor.

The Rutters and the hitman exit the hospital and drive to the marina where the yacht is moored, followed by Tank, who phones Abselem and an escape plan is made using Abselem’s men.

The yacht is due to sail that night and an ambush was set using RIBs to board the yacht, but Mrs Rutter was taken off the yacht as insurance that Rutter would return with the cargo of cocaine.

Tank followed the car with Mrs Rutter and at a stop light, shot the driver in the face and was shooting in back at the hitman but took a head shot and dropped with the motorbike he was on. Mrs Rutter grabbed the gun hand of the gunman and blew his brains out with his own gun.

She jumped out of the car and lifted Tank’s motorbike and off she went to the marina.

The gang boss waved farewell to the yacht crew as it slowly left the dock and walked along the quay straight into Mrs Rutter on the motorbike, which killed him instantly.

Across the marina, using night vision goggles, Abselem watched it happen and immediately sent one of the RIBs across to pick her up. The RIBs then closed in on the yacht and with Mrs Rutter succeeded in throwing the crew overboard and untying Rutter, who was held below deck.

They sailed the yacht to Morocco where they put the men ashore and left to start their new life sailing a luxury yacht around the Greek Islands.

This is a brief treatment and leaves out all of the action that takes place with the Rutters, but it gives a fair gist of what happens when a woman’s love for her man trumps the evil she has to endure.

The fighting scenes are absolutely as they are in prison – shocking.

I hope this treatment is sufficiently interesting to you that you wish to read my script. If so, I will send it immediately and you should also know that I am a team player, not an obstacle to getting my work produced so any rewrites, collaborations etc., will be dealt with, with a good heart.

Yours sincerely,

Christopher Chance


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