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By Jason V. Fox

GENRE: Horror
LOGLINE: A college student fights to survive until sunrise while being hunted by monsters on Halloween’s Eve – also known as Devil’s Night.


Every year on October 30th – Devil’s Night – the monsters of legend congregate in the woods, hunting unsuspecting partygoers lured to their fate by barely disguised demons, werewolves and vampires. Those with the fortune and cunning to survive until dawn win their live- but the night is long, the stakes are high and the odds are never in their favor. Michael had the misfortune of being among the “chosen ones” this year. Through luck, intelligence and courage, he may outlast those who would pursue him for brutal sport – but can he also save his four new friends? The flight or fight instinct resides in all of us, but to survive this night Michael must transform from prey to predator.

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