Thomas Hodges: Producer and photographer (still).

Thomas Hodges

Nice to meet you Kweku, thanks for reaching out.

Kweku Hayford

Nice to meet you as well, Thomas. :-)

Thomas Hodges

I'll be at Berlinale th to 15th February, if you are attending and have anything you wish to discuss, feel free to message me.

Thomas Hodges

LE TRE GRAZIE by Thomas Hodges: The Backstage

For the first time in the history of contemporary art, Thomas Hodges in collaboration with Giuseppe Lepore and Bielle Re Srl, present "Le Tre Grazie". A mode...

Thomas Hodges

Intervista a Thomas Hodges

L'artista e creatore della corrente dell' "immaginism" ai microfoni di Funweek Funweek, news spensierate per vite complicate! Ogni gior...

Thomas Hodges

Nice to meat you Bill, thanks for connecting.

Thomas Hodges

Thank you Bill, likewise to you and yours :)

Thomas Hodges

Hi Jesse, thanks for connecting, good to see you here.

Thomas Hodges

Ciao Chauncey, thanks for connecting.

Chauncey Chester

Thanks for the of luck for 2014 Chauncey

Thomas Hodges

Ciao Irina, thanks for connecting.

Irina Penn


Thomas Hodges

Ciao Delly, thanks for connecting.

Thomas Hodges

Ciao Benjamin, thanks for connecting.

Christopher Lowell

You bet!

Davide Sacchetti

Ciao Tom, thanks for connecting! Se sei a roma magari possiamo incontrarci per fare due chiacchiere di persona.

Thomas Hodges

Ciao Leslie, thanks for connecting.

Thomas Hodges

Ciao Stefano, thanks for connecting.

Thomas Hodges

Ciao Craig, thanks for connecting.

Thomas Hodges

Ciao Ezio, thanks for connecting.

Thomas Hodges

Nice to meet you, thanks for the add :)

Francesca De Martini

Hi !!!

Thomas Hodges

Ciao Francesca, thanks for connecting, nice to meet you.

Thomas Hodges

Nice to meet you Nicola, thanks for connecting.

Thomas Hodges

Hi, I am an internationally acclaimed artist, working extensively with the medium if photography. However, I describe myself as a "Visual Arts Executive", which is to say that I work in various sectors of the arts, including art journalist, curator and arts educator. In the movie industry I serve as...

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