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By Quentil Pompey

GENRE: Romance, Independent
LOGLINE: Art and love clash because a struggling writer takes a leap into his desired world but a long friendship turned into a toxic love affair, ultimately becomes the deciding factor whether success or failure.


ACT I Javard, a passionate writer struggles with maintaining stability for himself and his longtime friend of 20 years, now girlfriend Monica, who fights with alcohol addiction and past trauma. But after a few infractions at work Javard is laid off. So Javard picks up gigs and both he and Monica donate plasma just to make ends meet. But when Javard receives an indirect message while watching a video about moving to Los Angeles, he pitches the idea to an intoxicated Monica and things turn toxic between them. But despite them not seeing eye to eye, and on the verge of eviction, Javard negatives his bank account and purchases two bus tickets via Los Angeles. And before Monica puts up a fight, the Property Manager and a Sheriff are at their door. ACT II Javard and Monica leave what was, in faith and they cuddle up and enjoy the long cross-country bus ride. But a stop in New Mexico shines some light on them when Monica takes half of their survival money, inserts it into a Casino game, and triples it. And as most of the earnings were spent, to calm Monica yet satisfy her addiction, Javard joins her in a sneaky sip for the conclusion of the bus ride, even though are almost caught when a dispute between Monica and unruly PASSENGERS exchange. LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. 3,000 miles away. They enter the unknown, with no family, friends, or contacts. But they have each other and the longevity of their relationship. But seated outside the BUS STATION in a smokers pit, Javard is excited and shocked but for the sake of Monica's nerves fiddles through his phone to locate Co-ed Shelters. And they are really introduced to the heart of Los Angeles. Skid Row. So when they enter the shelter Monica is given a room but Javard is forced to sleep on the street. But the next morning Javard finds Monica is better and has met some acquaintances who provide advice and assistance. Soon Javard and Monica are residents, enrolled in a technical school, Monica's choice, to Javard's dismay, and within two months are supported with housing. So what is supposed to be an aim for stability, becomes plagued when the LANDLORDS are force to cut their ties but the one Landlord remaining assigns management duties to Javard and Monica. So unlike Monica, Javard juggles the responsibilities with calm and patience but during a class, Javard's on his computer and discovers a FILM SCHOOL nearby, so after class, he locates Monica to tell her the news and finds her overly intoxicated. But Javard is woke when Monica is arrested for assault on one of the girls in the house. He withdrawals from the technical school and enrolls in film school. ACT III On the day of Monica's release, Javard is toured around the Film school. And Monica's return comes with bitterness and raises assumptions that the Landlord wants to be with Javard and is trying to destroy their long-time relationship. So when the Landlord arrives to collect rent, Monica reacts, leading to her being evicted and forced to go home, putting an end to her and Javard's relationship. And it was true of what Monica stated after Monica is gone, using a business partnership the Landlord comes on to Javard and not only does Javard reject her, he also resigns from any management duties of the houses, he is a tenant and articulates the reason he came to LA.


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