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By Jalleh Doty

GENRE: Sci-fi

Imagine a story of a dystopian future where Jesus Christ came back to the modern world. Would he save us again from our sins? Delve into a story that goes beyond the realm of religion, where the future is unknown as a leader will rise to lead us into a peaceful future. Forget the religious figure that we all know from the bible; this is the story of the Jesus the Philanthropist, the alchemist and a person who figured out all realms of the mind

Nathaniel Baker

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Karl Schmieder

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Jim Catizone

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Amazing Kacee

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Amazing Kacee

this is not a logline more of the description of your idea. the logline has the incident and the solution and should be a max of 25 words. Research what a logline is and try again. I know you can do it

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