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By Jeffrey T. Schoettlin

GENRE: Comedy
LOGLINE: A Danny McBride-esque raunchy situational comedy, which takes place at a failing ski resort, while following the self-destructive behavior of each off-color character, as they navigate through individual life struggles.           


It’s the dawning of a new day at the High Meadow Ski Resort. You can feel the excitement in the crisp, cold air. Slopes are immaculately groomed, the clean, fresh snow falling, provides unmatched powder, which provides an experience like no other. You see… the mountain has a new owner and he’s fired up. People are buzzing about his deep pockets and his potential ability to bring back a once great town. The stars have aligned and the employees are ready to meet their new boss. In essence, their savior, their future and their new leader of a laid back world. In the background, you hear murmurs to the likes of “anyone will be better than the old owner… he sucked balls.” The employees anxiously wait, as the lights come up over the stage. Brody Reynolds walks in with a ridiculously stupid outfit on and a midget by his side. “What is this, a circus?” you might ask. Nope. Just another Momma’s boy with a chip on his shoulder, too much free time on his hands and a filter, along the lines of someone diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome. Then it happens… he speaks. The employee’s are stunned. Quite possibly, the biggest moron in the United States, now runs a large-scale operation. How did this happen? Well… it’s amazing what can happen, when you have a powerful family, with many connections in your corner. Immediately, the key employee’s unite and come up with a disgustingly devious strategy. They must crush the new owner, before he spoils their plans. Their side business is in danger and threatens their way of life. “What’s the side business?” an audience member shouts out. Secrets can only be revealed, as the story unfolds. In due time, the story will unfold. Watch the most off-colored crew, maneuver, plot and scheme against their sworn enemy… or so they think. New relationships are formed, old ones are rekindled, some are torn by newly developed feelings and alliances are created with people you wouldn’t expect. Crazy things are happening at the High Meadow Ski Resort and you’ll have to see it, to believe it!

Jeffrey T. Schoettlin

Looking for a television production company, to trust the storyline and produce the pilot episode, with the hopes of bringing a funny product to homes around the world.

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