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By Chitou Moukaila

GENRE: Drama
Returning from a business trip - a dangerous drug cartel baron - discovers his wife’s unfaithfulness and this henchman involvement in the detective charged to keep under his back murder.


Naive and loyal in his convictions, Barack is a mulatto thirty five years old who lives in a suburb. Like all young people of his age, he dreams of the life wonders. However, he has not the means of his ambitions: it’s simply a hotel waiter. But what he ignores, every God creature has a special gift that enables him to realize himself and his is that he has a aphrodisiac aura that attracts all creature of opposite sexe to him. Wherever Barack passes, he attracts the women’s envy both married and unmarried. He is going to meet Lady Sicilia, an unfaithful wife of a dangerous drug cartel’s baron, Don Pacheco that will upset his life. Lady Sicilia advantage of his husband absence to maintain a relationship with the irresistible Barack that will lead it in an apocalyptic chaos: Indeed, Lady Sicilia is haunted by the Barack’s image in his dreams. She advances to him that he declines. Then, she retrieves the informations about him thanks to the investigations of Mr. Derrick, a private detective and conspires diabolical plans to seduce him : Barack was expelled from the hotel; His mother, Mary learns his expulsion new and musts be operated of the heart infarction. Barack didn’t afford the operation, but doesn’t yield to the Lady Sicilia’s advances. He receives a notice to clear out the flat that he occupies. Sonia, a childhood friend of his sister Grace brings her to sacrifice this virginity against Mortimer’s loot, to save his mother. The good Samaritan, Lady Sicilia prevents Grace to make his life mistake. Barack fortuitously meets a former schoolmate become film producer, very riche, but that doesn’t help him to solve its problems. He learns from the doctor that his mother was operated successfully and that the operation’s costs have been provided by a divine hand. Barack calls Lady Sicilia to thank her. She plays the victim by ignoring him. Sonia, the Lady Sicilia’s accomplice is still in love with Barack. Compels, Barack goes offer a bouquet of pinks at Lady Sicilia to be forgiven. She takes this opportunity to bring Barack to make love with her. Barack receives a gift, a red Ferrari from Lady Sicilia. He plunges into the adventure: Dinner and dance (Salsa) in CUBAN restaurant; Exit to the movies; Dance (Tango) in a dance club... Sonia confesses his love to Barack that regrowth her. Thus, she indirectly confesses him the Lady Sicilia’s conspiracies to seduce him. Mario, the Don Pacheco’s confidence man, witness of the Lady Sicilia’s unfaithfulness, blackmail her. She leads him to make love with her. But they discover that a shadow watchs them. The shadow is nothing other than Meckel, the Porsche Panamera with tinted windows driver, detective charged to keep order the Don Pacheco’s back. Lady Sicilia convinces Barack to get away with her by offering him mountains and wonders: Buying a manor in his name; Purchase of two hotels (Bora Bora and the Bahamas); Opening a busy account in his name. Mary refuses to leave his farm to follow Barack. Returning from the trip, Don Pacheco learns on TV the disappearance of Meckel, his detective. He started his investigations and falls on a chip that contains the evidences of his wife Lady Sicilia adventures, and the involvement of his confidence man, Mario. Don Pacheco, playing the indifferent, takes by surprise Lady Sicilia, Mario and Barack... the carnage is just beginning.

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