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By Ben Gilani

GENRE: Sci-fi, Action

When a pollution-induced disease is ending the lives of humans and hybrids, an alien-human crossbred young boy with super-human abilities and a curative power must help both to prevent an interspecific war.


A pollution-induced disease is spreading fast and killing more people daily. Extraterrestrials who claim their ancestors bio-engineered the human race thousands of years ago are back. They believe their ancestor’s bio-engineering has failed as humans are destroying themselves and the earth, the home they were given, by pollution, superstition, and possibly a nuclear war. For the past decade, extraterrestrials have abducted and made biological modifications to human babies right from their mother's wombs, aiming to create hybrids, a new human race, that would survive a new planetary environment. They are here now to take the product of their new bio-engineering to a new planet and leave the human race to go extinct so they can use the earth as a mining planet. Nine-year-old Todd possesses destructive powers and super-human abilities. Todd has been under surveillance for a while. Suspecting that aliens are planning an attack on earth and Todd being in communication with and helping them, the government apprehends and transfers him, his father, and his nanny to a secret research facility. Government agents want him to reveal the alien’s plan.

Using the boy’s body and voice, the aliens communicate with the government and clarify that they are not the enemy and have no plan on destroying the earth. But the disease that man-made pollution has created is spreading fast and will wipe out all life forms on earth within the next 50 days. That they know Todd's presence can cure the disease and want to take him with them. But Todd decides to stay on earth and help people. He helps humans fight the aliens off. But they lose the battle. To prevent more casualties, Todd makes a deal with the aliens. He will go with them, help cure the hybrids, and in return the aliens will let him go back to earth one day. Before going, though, Todd transfers some of his energy to his orb toy and gives it to his father so he can use it to save people.


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