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A hot-tempered former slave risks life and limb as an Underground Railroad “conductor,” but peace eludes him until, targeted for death by angry slave owners and a sociopathic slave hunter, he must confront and resolve his inner rage or bring tragedy on his family. Based on a true story.
Sold into slavery as a child, JOHN PARKER harbors an inner rage that manifests in violent resistance to his plight. In his youth, he survives multiple escapes and recaptures until, after yet another angry fistfight, he’s ordered to the cotton fields by his frustrated doctor owner. But John convinces a kindly patient to take over his contract, works like a demon possessed, and buys his freedom.
He begins a new life in Ohio, marries, and becomes a successful inventor and businessman. But peace eludes him, and his inborn hatred of injustice soon propels him into a chilling series of escapades stealing runaway slaves from the clutches of their pursuers. His reputation grows, and he is invited to join forces with a coterie of Ripley abolitionists. But his renown also puts him at the head of a wanted list drawn up by angry slave owners. They plan to stop him -- dead or alive!
Ignoring warnings from his wife and friends, John persists in his nightly raids and barely survives two vicious attempts on his life. Further, a “concerned” employee hoodwinks the hotheaded slave stealer into a daring scheme to rescue a young married couple from their cruel master. But the sociopathic slave hunter, IRISH MIKE, a relative of the employee, is the real author behind this tale. It’s a set-up, and this “steal” threatens to be John’s last.
The fateful night arrives, and John meets up with the frightened couple. But their baby is being “safeguarded” in the main house. John slinks inside and steals the child from under the sleeping slave owner’s bed. But the owner wakes up, the call goes out for the slave hunter, and the chase is on!
In a thrilling conclusion, the runaways race for freedom with Irish Mike in feverish pursuit. John sends the young couple on ahead and turns back to face his nemesis in fierce hand-to-hand combat. John prevails and readies for the death blow, but, remembering his lifelong rashness and the warnings of his wife and friends, with a scream he subdues his rage, releases Irish Mike, and makes a run for it.
Irish Mike recovers and bounds down the riverbank after his fleeing prey. “Better say a prayer, my lad. It’ll be your last,” he growls, and takes aim. His shotgun spews death for the last time, but, in a shocking twist, from the hands of another, changing the lives and fortunes of everyone concerned.
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