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A Bar owner dies, he has two children and wife. The elder son is married and working as team lead in software firm. Elder son is worried about taking responsibility of whole family. Before the death of Bar owner he makes a will to his youngest son.
A Bar owner dies, he has two children and wife. The elder son is married and working as team lead in software firm. Elder son is worried about taking responsibility of whole family. Before the death of Bar owner he makes a will wherein his Bar is in the name of younger son. The younger son is jobless and lost interest to lead the life due to losing someone whom he loved the most. Also choosing not to get married to his girl friend. His girl friend also decides to move on leaving him alone. He starts to drink in his own bar. Few weeks later he starts releasing why do people come to drink? Looking at them, he feels they are disturbed, have pain, lot of problems, lack confidence even when some of them have enough money. Thinking a drink can resolve their problem, they might go and sleep. After going through he identifies they lack someone to share there feelings, problem etc.. He starts to communicate day after day. Eventually making a group of people. These start to share the problems and getting the solution for the problem with people whom had similar problems. After few weeks his elder brother comes to drink. His elder brother is down and out, has lost the job. His elder brother cruising his father if only he had made the bar in his name. After watching what is happening in the bar a big group of people where his younger brother helping people to smile, giving the tips for the problems. Giving the advise if their solutions get resolved they should not be drinking. His elder brother explains his problem. He calls one the group member who used to drinking regularly now stopped after he got the solution, asks him to help his brother. The member confirms to meet him next day for the job. He also takes a promise from his elder brother to take the responsibility of the family. As days pass, the younger brother still in bar. Night after night drinking. The ones the group was bigger now started to reduced. The old members do come only to thank him and able lead a balanced happy family. Drinking is not the solution for pain, not getting sleep or job or true love or something else. Its to act and keeping simple, trusting, being loyal, honest, having belief, sharing.... Most have quit and enjoying their life and each of the member may rich or poor they all are in contact. If they face some hurdle they share and try to get solution without drinking. The night where he is the only person in the bar, he has not had a single sip yet goes to near his employees giving enough money and letters of appointment with there capability. On the back of envelop "never look back again this way, will have better future." They are in tears, they dont know what to do. He requests them to leave. He drinks as if he as not drunk althrough his life. Closes the shutter of the bar and writes in bigger letters on it "closed, not for sale. happiness unlocked".Few hours later he is found died on the steps of his bar. His brother who stopped drinking and taking the responsibility of the whole family. He tells his younger brother may end any time since he has got cancer. Which he never told to anyone of us. Instead he made several families happy, giving what had.. "The wisdom of life". "I am proud of my brother and father, that's the reason he didn't make the will on my name".