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By Marsha Cook

GENRE: Drama, Family

Something Happened Here

Is it possible your neighbor or someone from your community could be part of the Neo -Nazi movement?

When Dr.Samuel Braverman moved his family to a new community after the
death of his wife he had no idea he would be facing the biggest
challenge of his life as well as putting his three teenage children in
harm’s way. It didn't take very long to realize something horrible was
about to happen and there wasn't anything he could do about it.


When two teen age boys, one Jewish, the other one’s brother belonging to a Neo Nazi Group, form a

friendship they have no idea how dangerous it may become.

SOMETHING HAPPENED HERE is a story about a family that is recovering

from a terrible loss. The father Dr. Samuel Braverman, felt the only way

to start over was to move to his three teenage children to another town

and rebuild their life.

However he had no way of knowing the town he chose was very Anti

-Semitic and there was a number of residents that were Neo Nazis and the

Hospital that hired him as their Chief of ER had several Neo Nazis

employed there.

Everything came to a head when The Grandmother came to visit to

celebrate her grandson’s Bar Mitzvah She was a Holocaust Survivor and

she knew the minute she arrived there was something very strange about

their town. When a tragedy takes place there were many questions

answered about previous problems in the town and with the help of a few

others that were willing to take a risk their life became bearable with a

future that seemed brighter and the fear of hatred would change to


This story is Fiction but the grandmother's story is based on fact. (To Life) a story written by Marsha Casper Cook -

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