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By Lorenzo Fleming

GENRE: Drama, Family

African-American man stranded in rural Alabama received kindness from an elderly Caucasian stranger with a checkered past.  The elderly Caucasian stranger has a unique story to tell about his life (the good, the bad nd the ugly) and how he changed his way of thinking.


The Good Samaritan is a story about JEREMY WALKER protagonist), a African- American professional traveling across the country to a new job opportunity in California. His car breaks down in rural Alabama and is met by an elderly Caucasian man named ELIJAH HUNT (protagonist/antagonist), who takes him in while his vehicle gets repaired. The elderly man passes the time by sharing his life story about growing up during the Great Depression, World War II and his membership in the Ku Klux Klan (through flashback scenes throughout the film). This movie has a general theme about kindness to all people regardless of the ethnicity and background despite being raised in a background of racial hatred. This movie is for the general audience of all ages, races, creeds, etc.


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Lorenzo Fleming

Check out my attached screenplay and tell me what you think.

William Gunn

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William Gunn

This is a good story for any time, but especially our time. Love should always triumph over hate.

Lorenzo Fleming

Hello William and thanks for rating my logline and your comments. What do you think that I can do better in my logline or screenplay?

Barry A.A. Dillinger

Rated this logline

Lorenzo Fleming

Thanks Barry for rating my logline.

Frank Baruch

Interesting premise, Lorenzo! Your logline leaves a lot of questions that your synopsis practically answers, and I feel a lot of what you have in your synopsis can be substituted into your logline. Something like: (After his car breaks down in rural Alabama, a (Cautious? Prejudiced?) African American befriends an elderly ex-Klansman forced to confront a past that ultimately shaped his future, through flashbacks of the great depression and WWII.)

You have an inciting incident, a setting and two characters, but apart from repairing his car, and their skin color, you don't have an ultimate goal or any character traits/weaknesses with which these characters can grow from. Hope this helps?

Nate Rymer

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