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By David Ogden

GENRE: Biography, Drama, Family
LOGLINE: A family is shocked by their son's diagnosis and are dragged into a complex reality between normal life and the disease.


EXT. SCHOOLYARD - DAYS LATER Shaun walks into the open air wearing a Miami Dolphins cap. Suddenly BULLY, a 7 year old red head, and his two MINIONS walk out of the shadows. BULLY Hey Baldy. Shaun looks around, he Is alone. BULLY (CONT'D) Talkin to you dummy. Take off your hat I wanna see your head. SHAUN No. BULLY What! The three bullies move in. SHAUN I have to wear it. BULLY Why? SHAUN My Dad and my teacher said it's okay if I wear it. BULLY You sick or something? Shaun tries to leave but he is cornered. One of the bullies grabs the cap and tosses it to the other. BULLY (CONT'D) Damn, what happened to your head? SHAUN Give it back. They play a brief game of keep away then toss it to Bully. BULLY You want it. Go get it. He throws it beyond Shaun's reach. SHAUN I can't reach it.

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