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By Arthur Charpentier

GENRE: Mystery, Crime

In order to quickly solve the brutal murder of the mayor and his family, the police involve a mentally ill psychic who considers himself a demon in the investigation.

Marcos Fizzotti

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Tasha Lewis

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Nate Rymer

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Gen Vardo

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Kevin Lewis

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Julie Griffin

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Julie Griffin

Great logline, so simple. might need to rewrite mine now. Good luck with this

Arthur Charpentier

Julie Griffin, Thank you very much for high rating and feedback!

Arthur Charpentier

Kevin Lewis, Thank you very much for high rating!

Jill Godley

Rated this logline

Arthur Charpentier

Jill Godley, Thank you very much for high rating!

Renata Elis

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Arthur Charpentier

Renata Elis, thank you for the high rating!

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