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"SOME CANDY TALKIN" By Alex N. Hay TAG - LINE: "Nothing comes between friends..except danger! " LOGLINE:–(buddy/thriller) A film editor spots a face in a foreign crowd- a missing friend who left on the run after ripping everyone off. A reward to locate the friend– then kill him - results in a re-bonding, redemption and a change of destiny. PITCH: "Finding an old friend leads to a scam and danger" SETTING: Present- Home and Away. GENRE: Buddy drama.. SYNOPSIS: MARK edits film and whilst cutting a travelogue sees a friend from yesteryear in the back-ground. Spurned by curiosity MARK finds out his friend - GIBBY- is also being sought by his ex-employer - CRAWFORD -a local bookie/gangster, who is willing to pay MARK to find GIBBY and return with the ‘password’ code GIBBY had used to file dodgy bank accounts. As a bonus - MARK is offered £50,000 - if he returns with the password - and evidence of GIBBY’S demise. The evidence is GIBBY’S right index finger - which is missing it’s tip from an earlier incident between GIBBY and KANE - a violent ‘wise-guy’ working for the gangster CRAWFORD. Early flashbacks record MARK and GIBBY’S friendship - until GIBBY has to leave in a hurry - removing most of MARK’S material valuables at the same time. MARK discusses the situation with his lover - CARLA - who advises he seek GIBBY out –not for the money - but to satisfy a longing curiosity - and repair a broken bond. MARK travels to the location - high in the hills of a foreign location. Local people fail to help MARK find GIBBY - until MARJA, a local girl brings them together. MARJA and GIBBY are partners - parents of a cute wee girl, KANDI. The last time MARK seen GIBBY(recorded in f/back) – KANE had bitten the tip from GIBBY’S finger and ate it. GIBBY got drunk - used lots of drugs and while MARK was out at work - stole his computer, stereo, vcr. and bank cards. Now - GIBBY is a different person - very Buddhist and anti- western in thought. He tells of meeting MARJA in India - and travelling from there to this location by their converted bus - The On- or- Off Bus. GIBBY is ashamed of his earlier life and ‘ripping-off’ MARK. He sees a way of re-dress by ‘scamming’ CRAWFORD - by finding a replica finger. This results in a sick comic episode – ending with GIBBY drunk and angry - chopping-off his own finger. MARK returns with the finger and the password - but CRAWFORD attempts to subvert the ‘deal’ - KANE- threatening with a gun. MARK outsmarts KANE - and he and CARLA sell-up and head to join GIBBY and family on the bus and on to India. However - MARK and CARLA are followed by KANE- who is after the return of the money and to do the job MARK failed to do - kill GIBBY. KANE sexually assaults CARLA - threatens MARK - but is overpowered, in a scene reminiscent of A Short Film About Killing - where MARK almost kills KANE from the rear seat of a car. When MARK and CARLA finally reach GIBBY’S village - they are met with woe. A mountain slide has covered homes - killing some locals as well as GIBBY and co. Locals give MARK a pot of GIBBY’S ashes - knowing it was what GIBBY would wish. MARK takes the ashes - with CARLA - to GIBBY’S shrine - a place GIBBY used for meditating - a dangerous overhanging rock with a drop of sheer cliff below. An earlier flashback of GIBBY and MARK hill-walking in Skye attests to MARK’S fear of cliff edges. MARK finds the courage to walk to the cliff-edge and let GIBBY’S ashes fly to the wind - only to be surprised by GIBBY - rejoicing in the reverence accorded the ashes - which GIBBY explains is the result of a going-away hash party by the locals. He tells how MARJA knew they were coming - MARJA being prone to psychic communication. She also mentioned someone dark and dangerous -which prompted the mountain slide ‘scam’ by the locals - who GIBBY explains enjoy pulling strokes like that - and also used it as a an emergency exercise. As they head off to India in The On- or- Off Bus - they pass KANE - unclothed and being hand-cuffed by the local police.