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By DC Copeland

GENRE: Action, Adventure, Drama, Music, Other, Romance, Thriller

Stormy Jones returns to Nokosee in the Everglades, pregnant and wanted by the law. This sets off a series of events that include a wedding, kidnappings, and a war with Army Rangers. 


Imagine you're a pregnant 17-year-old punk rock chick with "sky eyes" and a pink tipped blonde Mohawk with spear tats on each side of your shaved head and you're on a 1,200 mile long run from the U.S. government for domestic terrorism toward the boy you love, a loincloth wearing teenage pagan caveman and the baby he put inside you. Nokosee's the first of the New Seminole groomed by his nut case dad Busimanolotome Osceola to wage an eco-war on the "Outside" that will restore south Florida to its natural state. But that's not you. You're not a tree hugger, you're a boy hugger, a one boy hugger and it's not your fault people are dying all around you.

Stormy Jones manages to overcome everything thrown at her in the course of "Nokosee & Stormy," a contemporary teenage "Tarzan and Jane" screenplay set in the Everglades; and she does it in a way that would make all girls proud-- not in a superhuman way or through the assistance of some heroic act of a man or monster but by her own means. From her baptism by fire dodging bullets on her mad dash across Alligator Alley on a motorcycle she stole from the casino parking lot of the Seminole chief, through the constant banging of reality's head against the romantic wall she built up all around her with the relentless pursuit of the U.S. Army on a mission to put down the New Seminole at all costs, “Nokosee & Stormy” weaves dual cautionary tales. One is about loving without question; the other is about our relationship with the environment, specifically, how far will you go to save it? By the end of the story when Stormy and Nokosee are trying to escape a climatic night battle and find themselves alone with the Everglades burning all around them and she gives birth to a baby girl, Stormy learns to question both.

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