hi i'm matt mickelson rate my blog http://matt-mickelson.xxxtor.su/
hi i'm matt mickelson rate my blog http://matt-mickelson.xxxtor.su/
hi i'm matt mickelson rate my blog http://matt-mickelson.okzrt.ru/
hi i'm matt mickelson rate my blog http://matt-mickelson.okqgc.ru/
hi i'm matt mickelson rate my blog http://matt-mickelson.okzce.ru/
hi i'm matt mickelson rate my blog http://matt-mickelson.oklel.ru/
hi i'm matt mickelson rate my blog http://matt-mickelson.okndp.ru/
hi i'm matt mickelson rate my blog http://matt-mickelson.okiyo.ru/
Hi, Matt! How's it going? Tom Walker wanted to know if you've done a print ad for Kumon - he saw one and swore it was you. I think I sent you something on FB, but we are running another crowdfunding campaign for "The Miracle Man." If you are able, I'd love it if you could make a tax-deductible contr...
Expand postHi, Matt! How's it going? Tom Walker wanted to know if you've done a print ad for Kumon - he saw one and swore it was you. I think I sent you something on FB, but we are running another crowdfunding campaign for "The Miracle Man." If you are able, I'd love it if you could make a tax-deductible contribution, and either way, please share the info to help us get the ball rolling! You can share both the pitch video and/or the IndieGoGo page: http://youtu.be/BkhUhBeeZZ8 http://igg.me/at/mmfilm2013 We just got a nice endorsement from actress Dee Wallace! http://youtu.be/AltzoYI4hyY I also invite you to follow the film's page: http://www.stage32.com/profile/91015/project/miracle-man. For more information about the film, please check out our web site at http://miraclemanfilm.com and sign up for our newsletter. https://app.simplycast.com/?q=forms/take&i=5759 Thanks, and I wish you the happiest of holidays!!! Namaste, Brian Jude
Thanks for the message. Sorry I missed your event, maybe you can join me MAY 4th for a BLADE RUNNER 2 sneak peek. When is your next event?
Matt, I'm sorry I miss your Blade Runner 2 screening w/ Geoffrey. Unfortunately I had a conflict & could not attend. How did it go? Marissa
Marissa, It went well. Not as many Fans as I expected, but a semi decent turnout. I hope to meet you at your next function - keep me posted.
NEW BLADE RUNNER 2 CUT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGKkBWFSVfI&feature=em-comment_received&l... Added changes via avid fans who notice details I overlooked, the empathy test to detect replicants is Voight Kompff not VOIT COMP, you don't see it spelled in the movie, but fans who read BLADE RUNNER...
Expand postNEW BLADE RUNNER 2 CUT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jGKkBWFSVfI&feature=em-comment_received&l... Added changes via avid fans who notice details I overlooked, the empathy test to detect replicants is Voight Kompff not VOIT COMP, you don't see it spelled in the movie, but fans who read BLADE RUNNER booked picked up on this detail.
Please COMMENT ON YOUTUBE good or bad. If you "like" my teaser then please SHARE on Facebook/Twitter. Ill be happy to return the favor. Thank you Matt. Blaze Foster http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gU7e7A8MgAQ&feature=youtu.be...
Expand postPlease COMMENT ON YOUTUBE good or bad. If you "like" my teaser then please SHARE on Facebook/Twitter. Ill be happy to return the favor. Thank you Matt. Blaze Foster http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gU7e7A8MgAQ&feature=youtu.be
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