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By Keith A Jessop

GENRE: Thriller
LOGLINE: When you’re seven, the world is a big, scary place. When your parents are dead and you’re miles from anywhere, it’s terrifying.


Seven year old Michael Fisher wants to know what “dead” is after discovering a dead cat. His nine year old sister, Emma, and father Gary give him elusive answers. Michael has no idea that he will have more encounters with death over the next few days.The Fisher family take a holiday in a remote Moors farmhouse, miles from anywhere but rather too close to the Greenfields mental hospital. En route, they encounter Nurse Donna Fairbright, who works at the hospital.Bernard Givins is a resident of Greenfields. Bernard is a big but simple chap who likes to wander the woods around the hospital and frequently goes for long walks there.Whilst the kids are building and playing in a camouflaged hideout in the woods near the farmhouse, their parents, Gary and Kay meet a gruesome end. The children eventually discover the bodies and must then work out a way to get help. Alone and afraid in the dark and without any means of contacting the outside world, they leave the farmhouse to try to summon help.During this venture, they are terrified by the appearance of Bernard and run for their lives, eventually making it back to the relative safety of the farmhouse.Bernard discovers the bodies of Gary and Kay but with his simple mind, he struggles to convey this message to his carers until the following day. Nurse in charge, Karen Peterson, drops by the farm on her way home from work. Unfortunately, the children have already left in their second attempt to get help.Peterson calls for the police whilst Michael and Emma have another encounter with Donna Fairbright, who takes them captive.A huge police investigation ensues, with the dual tasks of looking for the missing children and trying to track down the murderer. A game of cat-and-mouse begins as the children desperately try to escape while Detective Inspector Shaw and his team race against the clock to find them.After a police officer is brutally murdered, the chase is on! Can the police catch up with the children before it’s too late? Will the killer be caught? This is a fast and furious film leading to the children’s discovery of the bad world that exists outside of their close family.

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