Jonathan Ball: Director, producer and screenwriter in Eugene, Oregon.

Jonathan Ball

The Message (sci-fi short film)

A sci-fi short film exploring the fight for truth in a world of conspiracies.

Jonathan Ball

Hey Stage32 folks!

My new short film has finally arrived!

Feel free to check it out and let me know what you think!

Jonathan Ball

The Message | Official Trailer | Short Film

Will (Jason Pancoast) is thrown into the middle of a violent conspiracy. Does he stand up for the truth.. Or run? The Message is a short dramatic thriller set in the forested...

Jonathan Ball

New Teaser for The Message

The Message is an original sci-fi short film set to hit festivals summer 2016.

The Actors of The Message going over lines during a table read. From Left to Right: T. Sean Prescott, Klyf Duhrahs and Jason Pancoast.

Director Jonathan L. Ball setting up video city and craft services on day 3 of production.

Jonathan L. Ball creating some props for The Message.

Preparing for a night scene. Left to Right: Jonathan L. Ball, Klyf Duhrahs and Jason Pancoast.

Director of Photography, Niko Smart collecting BTS footage on day 3 of production for The Message.

Director of Photography, Niko Smart reviewing shot-list changes during one of our Pre Production meetings for The Message.

Director of Photography, Niko Smart taking a tour of the set in this still that was pulled from a clip that will be used in our special BTS youtube videos and exclusive film content.

The trailer is loaded up with gear for day 1 of production of The Message!

Director, Jonathan L. Ball getting ready to record some Foley during down time on the set of The Message.

Director, Jonathan L. Ball on set of The Message.

Director, Jonathan L. Ball during a Pre Production meeting for The Message.

Director, Jonathan L. Ball with lead Actor, Jason Pancoast, during a Pre Production meeting for The Message.

Jason Pancoast and Sound Recordist, Torrin Rosegold, on day 3 of production for The Message.

Director, Jonathan L. Ball and lead Actor, Jason Pancoast going over blocking for later scenes during day 3 of production for The Message.

Details of Jason Pancoast's costume details during production of The Message.

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Phillip Wade
Sabrina Rehnke
Jordan Mitzel
Dave Briski
Bradley Francis Leech
Patrick Blevins
Brian Shell
Michael Davie
Stephen George
Nathaniel Baker
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