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By Michael Bayouth

GENRE: Thriller, Horror

A young woman's quest for clues to her birth father’s brutal murder leads her to a haunted corn maze, where she gets pulled into a generational battle with a vengeful pack of hot-rod hellraisers from the grave.


After the tragic events at the corn maze, on that faithful Halloween night, the negative energy remains. Call it what you want - ghosts, a haunting, or just plain paranormal activity – but it’s clearly unsafe there.

Jess, 20s, a film school student at U.S.C., is reeling from just having found out she’s adopted. As if this blow wasn’t enough, she learns her real father was murdered at the corn maze when he was just 17 – by a witch! Compelled to learn more, she and her good friend, Martina, return to the corn maze where it all happened and inadvertently awaken the presence of the murderous witch, Tarantula, a car club hot-rodder, and a summoner of large, venomous spiders!

As Jess, Martina, and her film-group buddies, are putting the pieces back together, they learn that over a dozen kids have never come out of the corn maze and are still missing to this day. This story becomes so compelling, it has them wanting to turn the cameras on themselves. But it’s too late. Dillon, Jess’ boyfriend and their director of photography, and Amber, the group’s writer, have both now vanished in the corn maze, having met horrible deaths.

The shit just got real, and now the clock is ticking as the corn maze is about to reopen for the Halloween season, and more will die. Taking matters into their own hands, they seek out Roshanna, a Feng Shui practitioner, to help them clear the negative energy there. But the real key to ridding the cornfield of Tarantula and her undead car club goons who also died there is learning a powerful mind technique, originally used by Native Americans called a “visualization” which will make possible the sending of Tarantula and her undead nomads, to hell.

But the key to this plan being successful is the visualization must be done by the person Tarantula is most vengeful for – Jess’ Grandfather, Vincent Von Park, who’s vanished since the murders and is presumed to have played a key role in their deaths out of revenge.


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Jinendra Sashan

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Jinendra Sashan

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