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By Ashley Stone

GENRE: Romance
LOGLINE: Overcome with guilt following the death of his girlfriend, a New York artist loses not only his passion for art but also for life until he is granted one last day with the one he loved and one last chance to make everything right.


MAX EDWARDS, an entrepreneur turned artist, freely spends his days doing charcoal drawings or playing guitar while his girlfriend, JAMIE JACKSON, works long hours as a paralegal. Despite Max's wealth he chooses to live in a small New York apartment and live a modest life which often frustrates Jamie who longs for a more lavish lifestyle. It is apparent that their love is rooted in passion but they have fallen into the comforts that come with a long term relationship. After a night of Max drinking, they get into an argument when Jamie challenges Max's skewed views on marriage. Jamie takes a drive to calm down which ultimately leads to her death. Max is emotionally crushed and carries a substantial amount of guilt not only about Jamie's death but also about how he treated her during their relationship. Max loses not only his passion for his art but also for life, barely leaving the apartment for months. He is bombarded with both happy and guilt-ridden memories of Jamie and begins having flashbacks that reveal the events that lead to their relationship, regrets he has and happier times. Max tries to rekindle his love of art after a friend forces him out of his apartment and into the healing process. While attempting to draw in a park, Max has a casual encounter with a little girl who, unbeknownst to him, grants him one last day with Jamie. Upon Jamie's return, Max is filled with joy that quickly turns to panic when he realizes they have only one day. Money being no object, Max wastes no time in giving Jamie the spontaneity and grand gestures she craved while she was alive. They wed in a intimate ceremony in their apartment and spend the evening relishing in each others company. Jamie slips away after Max falls asleep. Upon him waking, it appears the whole day may have been a dream but Max discovers a memento Jamie left behind. Although Jamie is still gone, Max is able to find the redemption and the closure he needed to carry on with life.

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