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By Michael Dugan

GENRE: Romance, Comedy

An odd-couple – conservative  accountant and scummy con man -  get forced to start a sure business failure to launder money for the mob. They create a topless bar with Plus-Sized Dancers. Unfortunately, “Chubby Chasers” (men who love plus-sized women) discover the bar and turn it into a gold mine. When they can’t launder extra mob cash, the consequences could be fatal.


As precise accountant, LEON, is throwing a not-too-smart money launderer, BENNY, out of his office, a violent mobster, MARTA, bursts in to string up Benny. He has totally bungled cleaning her $5 million in dirty cash. Since Leon is a witness, he is strung up too. Thinking fast, Leon proposes the worst business in the world as the best money-laundry ever conceived: a topless bar in a Christian town. Benny adds the idea of using overweight dancers to be sure no one will ever want to come.

The brainstorm saves their lives, and teams up the two opposites, Leon and Benny.

But the horrible business idea turns into a total disaster when the local Christians protest and it makes national news. Now Chubby Chasers from all over the country pack the place and turn it into a gold mine that draws the attention of the IRS.

For unemployed and overweight Minnie, a job as a Plus Size Stripper is the only opening in town. Little does she know shedding her clothes on the stripper pole in front of lustful Chubby Chasers will empower her like never before and lead her to the love of her life, Mel.

Unfortunately, he’s an IRS agent on special assignment to bust Marta. The IRS and the FBI rush in and bust the place, Marta’s dispatches her henchmen to kill Benny and Leon before they can be taken into custody and talk.

As they are standing in handcuffs, Minnie spots the shooters. She pushes Leon and Benny away from the bullets, but gets shot herself. The government agents shoot the two bad guys.

Faced with the loss of her money and her henchman, Marta goes into a rage and disguises herself as a male cop. She tricks her way into the interrogation room where they are questioning Leon and Benny, and when they are alone. She attempts to execute both of them while they are handcuffed to chairs.

Leon and Benny battle Marta while handcuffed to chairs. When the real cops finally come back into the room, they realize they have caught the prize… Marta… The IRS cannot charge Benny and Leon.

To help the IRS agent save face, Leon makes a deal. He lets the IRS confiscate the bar and operate this unlikely goldmine for the taxpayers profit. Mel gets the job as the manager.

Minnie survives the gunshot that hit her in her butt, and Mel asks her to continue working at the bar… and to be his girlfriend.

It all ends in the Islands where Zoning Lady has been set up with the “tax free” ministry she always wanted and Benny and Leon run the Mojito Tiki Bar next door.

Marcos Fizzotti

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Tasha Lewis

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Rome Jordon

A good low budget flick.

Robin Gregory

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Robin Gregory

Michael Dugan Sounds like a fun twist on THE PRODUCERS!

Rome Jordon

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