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A psychically gifted reporter becomes embroiled in a conspiracy about a secret UAP program and the fate of the planet.
A veteran investigative journalist is assigned to a routine story on government spending by inquiring with a dangerous cultist defense contractor.
Whistle-blowers soon reveal UAP secret access programs that trigger recollections of her close encounters, accepting her growing psychic powers, and solving her father’s mysterious disappearance.
As border wars erupt across the world threatening global nuclear war, she partners with her father’s protege pulling her deeper into a web of conspiracies within the military-industrial-intelligence complex, where she becomes an unwitting pawn in their struggle for power and funding. Despite mounting threats and the loss of allies, she refuses to abandon her investigation into ETs and continues searching for her missing father.
First, she and her partner are kidnapped by cultist mercenaries then she is abducted by nonhuman entities aboard a craft, reunited with her father now a humanoid avatar, then implanted with a human-alien hybrid child, and told she holds a crucial role in the evolution of humanity, the stakes reach their highest.
Alien motherships appear over major nations, permanently dismantling the world’s nuclear arsenals. She returns to expose the full conspiracy of the UAP phenomena and reveal humanity’s impending transformation. Only then does she retreat with her partner, embracing her role as the mother of her gifted star child, ushering in a hopeful yet uncertain future for all.
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