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By Aimee Dansereau

GENRE: Sci-fi

A young woman with extraordinary abilities goes from being a pacifist to becoming the most powerful warrior in a galactic struggle against an oppressive alien regime.


Between Two Worlds is about a young woman with extraordinary abilities who identifies herself as a pacifist, and an Earth-human. She grew up in the suburbs of Los Angeles, attends college at UCLA, and likes hanging out with her closest friends; sassy, badass, Jazz Freeman, and sci-fi geek, Donatello Padayo. Then she discovers that on her mother's side of the family, she's actually from a race of alien people called the Dra'hani, who need her to warrior-up, and protect them from another alien race, the Ma'ku. Aleyah Morrison struggles with her pacifist ideals while taking on her duties as a warrior. Aleyah, her friends, and the Dra'hani; hide out in a top secret, military base in Los Angeles, while trying to evade enslavement or death by the Ma'ku leader, Nianzu Azteza, and the Ma'ku government. They must do this while facing racial issues within the Dra'hani society, and resolving conflicts between the Dra'hani and human race. Things become more complicated when Aleyah learns she's half Ma'ku from her father's side of the family, and that Nianzu Azteza is actually her uncle (her father's brother). However, Nianzu Azteza's mother (Aleyah's grandmother) is the leader of a resistance group that opposes their government's misdeeds and works to stop the enslavement or genocide of other races. Relationships between people of the three main races (Earth-human, Dra'hani, and Ma'ku) further complicate matters.

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