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As a super-powered sociopath lays waste to Detroit, a war vet suffering from PTSD tries to overcome her fear and doubt and engage one more enemy.
Marcus Shoji, second in command of a domestic terrorism organization, despises the softness he sees in his boss. After an accident at an experimental power plant, he finds that he can generate spontaneous bomb explosions from within himself- making him a walking bomb. He uses his new found power to take revenge on the people he feels have slighted him. He does what he wants, and goes where he wishes. There is no one to oppose him as he kills off police officers, SWAT teams, organized crime bosses and the National Guard. He seems unstoppable until Jasmine makes a decision to engage him.
Jazz (Jasmine) is PTSD war vet (non-verbal, isolationist) who lives in the city, in an impromptu homeless camp. She observes and keeps notes on what is happening to the city (severe OCD), and even calculates a solution, but cannot bring herself to act. She is paralyzed by the thought of any attention, and just wants to maintain her anonymity, but she finally brings herself to a decision point, pushing past her apprehension and fears, to take the situation into her own hands, risking her life to eliminate the threat.
The story falls in line artistically with other works that do not have an obvious protagonist- such as Pulp Fiction.
About Deenur: In addition to completing 11 screenplays (with 3 receiving a contract), I have written two novels (one for which I received a contract), and numerous short works (two with a contract).